Bought 2 packs of Beriani n 1 pack Laksa Johor for lunch (bought keropok from different stall). Went to Giant. Ate keropok in the car .. krup krap krup krap .. Wooops! tetiba teringat, I paid RM12 for my lunch? Did a quick congak. If a pack of beriani costs 6.50, 2 = 13, + laksa 4.50 = RM17.50. Sah I was undercharged. Isn't it my rezeki? Hmmm .. should I or shouldn't I go back to the shop and pay the difference??
Mas dropped by in the evening with 3 big durians. Terima kasih daun durian, ahaks. Mas brought her gown pengantin as well to show me the 'aftermath'. Hadoii kesiannya. The long gown is sponsored by the groom to be worn at his reception. Tailor tu dah banyak buat silap and gave senseless excuses. I could feel something amiss when I first met her. Looks like my intuition is at par with Madam Zora .. hahaha.
18/7 - Z was generous enough to buy lunch. Lazy bebenar to cook but rajin pulak nak buat dessert. I know what I want to do. Yes, I want to make serikaya nangka. Besst, dah terbayang rasanya dlm mulut. Bought nangka a week ago. To stunt nangka's smell berleluasa dlm esbok, I wrapped a pack of nangka with a tea towel. Heheh.. bijaklaksana khan?? Mak always steam the serikaya but I memandai baked it. My serikaya nangka was exceptionally nice walaupun rupanya tak seindah mana.
Went to SA after Maghrib. This time relax aje sebab Z yg drive. Pick T and off to Tesco. Bought some titbits for her weekly nibbling and some stuff for her camping trip to Ulu Yam. Had dinner at Chicken Rice Shop. T had wantan mee, Z had buttered-chic rice and I had my fav. spring rolls. Sent T to hostel. Went up to her room, mmm... not bad, quite clean and smells good. T says she often sweeps the floor. Wah! that's almost unbelievable cos at home she only vaccums. Her ritual before using the vaccum is to first WASH the nozzle, the brush and the thingy that sucks the dusts. Kan buang masa dan tenaga namanya tu?? T is obsessive to the max!
Ngah's 66th birthday. At first it was just a cordial greetings but tetiba ada pulak cerita lain. Sigh... ada jer problem. D is eyeing on Abang Mat's old VW beetle. Conclusion: Sorry D, you can't have the car. It would be too expensive to have a make-over on that old beetle. It would have been a different story if D is already working, so I sarankan "cepat habiskan belajar, score good grades and get a job"!
19/7 - a very quiet day. Buat tu tak kena, buat ni tak kena. Ohh T, why don't you answer my sms? Kat Ulu Yam tu takde coverage ke? Sigh ...
bila nak ajak mkn serikaya tu?hhhehhhe nak gak rasa:P
Alamak.. ! Kita dah terlebih promo ke? Alamak..
CS, Semalam pun wa dapat durian. Makcik Timah urut yang bagi. 3 biji juga. Sedap durian tu. Cadangnya nak buat bubur durian. Harap-harap jadilah.Malamni rasanya nak pergi urut lagi kerana tulang belikatni sengal betullah. Tapi adakah wa akan dapat durian lagi? Hahahaha....
CLiz, tadi wa menukang 2 biji derian yg dah mula nak masam. Wa add gula melaka & tuang santan peket. Pulut xde, wa makan dgn roti ajelah. Hubby plak mintak buatkan bubur kacang perisa derian. Wa kata "besok I buat", hehe..boleh percaya ke?
Wa ni kaaan, paling lazeeee nak buat bubur kacang wpun senang aje nak buat.
lu all, sampai hati lu all ni tak sensitip kat wa yang duduk di negeri orang putih ini. England you. kat sini khanz lu all, rege durian adalah gbp20 sebiji.
eh, cik kelly lee the silent reader actually has a 'house' of her own in net-world? diam-diam aje ye...!
Kehkehkeh... tujuan kita adalah untuk menJELEZkan beliau yg kat England tuuu ... DERIAN, DURIAN, DHERIANZ...
Hi Lee Lin .. welcome to my humble abode .. heheh. No more 'silence is golden' for me .. hahaha.
I always be a lee lin you know.
U r so clever lah Mr Dentist. Here U've met your partner, a female LEELIN. Jgn lelebih pulak okay??
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