Traits: Emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, *shrewd, cautious, protective, sympathetic & anggun (bling2).
* keen awareness, sound judgment, and often resourcefulness especially in practical matters. Shrewd suggests a sharp intelligence, hardheadness, and often an intuitive grasp of practical considerations

Happy birthday to Hezry, Strato, Paezah, Kak Pah & Jeton Sameon (auwww), yours truly, M.Nasir (ehem), Sh. Zam, Hafzah, Tun Mahathir & Tun Hasmah, Pak Aji Esa, Ghazi, Kamilah@Ngah, Ichah and last but not least Cik Bidah@Kak Za.

BigApple Donuts for everybody .. (kita share ramai2, biar sikit asal berkat)