This can produce a certain amount of confusion outside of Tuscany; one of my wife's aunts once caused a stir in a restaurant in Rome when she saw someone else eating gnocchi and asked for topini. The waiter said there weren’t any, and when she insisted there were, went to get the owner, who stiffly informed her that there were no mice in his restaurant. Eventually the misunderstanding was cleared up and she had her topini" .. unquote

I've been wanting to try my hands on this Gnocchi but I never got the will to do it. Watching Biba cooks it on tv so effortlessly makes me even more determined to try, but the surge of semangat is forever 'elek'. Gnocchi equals to flour, eggs, potato/cheese & water. Haha apa susahnya but what stops me? Been wondering too what this gnocchi tastes like. Is it milky, cheesy or what?
It was in November 1996, while window shopping at the exclusive departmental store (hic), my sisters and I menjelajah to every nook and corner of the store. We were curious as to what makes the store so special for Lady Di. Without further ado we headed to its supermarket. Waah.. I just love supermarkets. No hard feelings if I didnt pay a visit to Buckingham Palace or to Liverpool (hope the Beatles tak kecik ati). I just love supermarkets, 'here, there & everywhere'.
Kita nak cakap Melayu plak k? .. Bila tiba kat supermarket tu yg dipenuhi dgn berbagai2 benda, maka we all cam hilang 'aqal gitu. Yg jakunnya tentulah yours truly maklum fers taim masuk kesitu akin rusa masuk kampung.
Terasa kelakar bila nampak diorang jual udang kering yg dah direndam. Pandangan tu biasa je kalau kat rumah, tapi kat situ?? Hahahaha .. (it tickles me u know?). Dan, jeng jeng jeng .. maka kaki ni terbelok ke stall jual fresh food. Ya Allah, rasa excited kalah terjumpa Lady Di lah pulak walhal baru jumpa GNOCCHI aje tu.
Beli gnocchi perisa cheese dan kentang. Masak cam masak spaghetti dan goreng. Apa rasa gnocchi? Sedaaaaaaaaaaaap, sedaaaaaaaap dan sedaaaaaaaap! Terasa cam makan kepompong ulat mulberry. Nyumm..
Tekak ni terasa nak makan Gnocchilaah. Camne nih? Nak kesana ke? Hoho, jgn nak ngader! 13 jam kaku seloroh badan just for Gnocchi, hekhek.. tqvm!
mcm kueh siput je bentuk Gnocchi ni cik som? wa rasa penah nampak makanan ni.. lu cari kat M&S ke masa thn 1996 tu?
Cibil, bentuk siput yg paling afdal so that gravy boleh melekat kat lereng2 siput tu. Ada gak shape cam cengkerang siput licin. Wa cari kat Harvey Nichols, K'bridge (dekat plak ngan umah tumpangan wa)
nee-okkee ke siput ke, sure sedap tuh. cibil .. you dekat sikit, uli2 sikit, nanti I datang Kota Baru.
Mr Dentease .. lu foreva terok!
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