Sunday, 5 July 2009

July babies ...

Sat. July 4
Ndja, another LOL came from Sban to PJ just to give us a treat, makan2 to celebrate our birthdays (Ngah, Ndja, Ghaz and I are July babies). Right now, all 5 of us girls are LOL. We insist we are LOL, haha. It doesn't matter whether it refers to lady of leisure, lady of letih, lady of love or lady of what-have-you, but we certainly are ladies of Lemin's clan ...

Due to silap paham, it turned out to be langkah kiri on my side. Takde rezeki nak makan2 and bergosip among the five of us. Teh called me up "apsal tak jadi datang? semalam iya2 aje dah janji. Kitorang dah nak tiba nih ahh", and I was closed to tears when Ndja finally say "ehh.. kata tak jadi kan? sorrylaaa salah paham".

With rasa sebak didada I sms Ndja "I've packed my bags nak bawak diri, nak pegi batu belah batu bertangkup". It took a while for her to respond, why? Doesn't she want to pujuk me? Cepatlah pujuk ... then her response came "janganlah merajuk dek.. bulan Rejab BBBB tutup tau". Hehe .. I giggled happily. Suka.

Missed eating at the Teapot, I was into my element again, berdrama. I gingerly invited tuan besar "jom kita lunch kat luar, I belanja". He, "you nak belanja? you kan tak kerja?". I, "hahahaa .. I kan 'kaya'?".

I asked tuan besar to send me to ATM Maybeng soon after lunch. Oh boy, Tepan on Saturday was murderous but he managed to park the car just in front of the bank. It was quite an ideal spot as next to the car is the kacang rebus/chestnut stall. Best! ada chan..

Done with the tranxn, my mind was on kacang rebus/chestnut BUT niat terbatal upon looking at the massive traffic. For once, I was scared of tuan besar, haha; so sebagai isteri mithali yang memahami suami's DOs n DON'Ts, terpaksalah I pura2 tak minat kat kacang rebus/chestnut tu. Kesian tengok muka apek tu taw.. mengharap betul tengok muka dia.

That evening, Ndja, Teh n Ghaz came over. They brought fried banana, karipap pusing, berbotol2 Twister orange juice (just because I told them my cordial has finished), and OF ALL THE THINGS IN THE WORLD THEY BROUGHT KACANG REBUS AND CHESTNUT!

Ya Allah .. I terkesima beberapa jenak, I really did. I menadah tangan full of kesyukuran. I told Ndja n Teh "benda nilah yang I nak beli tadi tapi ...". Ndja quipped "kita kan adik beradik, mesti ada telepathy ..".

Soon after they left, I was richer by ....... They gave the $$ through T sorok2 without my knowledge. It was birthday gifts. What else can I say except "thank you, may Allah bless you and your family".

After Maghrib, I accompanied T to Jaiyen. Time for her memborong knick-knack to be brought back to SA. Initially she wanted to buy only 6 items but was over-zealous, ended up buying more than 10 siap dengan sparkling water lagi. Phewh .. Dia memborong and I memboring .. haha.

Oh well .. as long as she is happy, I am happy. Alhamdulillah.


Anonymous said...

rezki , allah tentu kan.. and he knows what you want.. even u wish in your heart.. aduii.. i miss kacang rebus u...... sini kacang rebus are food not heard off.. roasted peanuts ada laa.. happy besday u.... LOL that laugh all the way to the bank...

CS said...

Azieda, LOL that laughs all the way to the bank? Haha.. I wish!
And yes, thanks again for the wish.

Helena said...

REzeki tu.... hehe.... I LOVE chest nuts. Dah lama tak beli....

CS said...

Hi Helena, tq singgah kat sini. U bz aje eh? Hope everything is well for you there.