source: googleMalam nih the lovebirds (siapa lagi kan?) are watching Jodhaa Akbar over Zee channel. At this point, hero n heroin baru mula bermesra alam *takleh specific sangat kot ada budak bawah umur curi2 baca* so, blogging take a back seat for a while all because of HR n ARB! *sambil muncungkan bibir kearah gambar tuu*
Wait a minute, I thot bila hero n heroin dah mula mesra, citer will soon end with a happy ending, rupanya taak. Alaaahai, tak best aah tentera berkuda dari 2 belah pihak dah mula menyerang. Surely the scene whereby hero n crook dush dush would normally take at least half an hour, ayoooo..
Pause nak habiskan movie: 25mts later the end, yeay!! nasib baik happy ending. I am sure half of the world's population have watched Jodhaa Akbar as it was produced way back in 2008 but I only knew about it on April 13, 2011, haha 'kayzee' betul (kay=k=ketinggalan .. zee=z=zaman <- T selalu sebut).
Siang tadi sibuk sket. Keluar rumah around 9.30am straight to the bank. Bila keluar cepat, taklah sengsara nak park kereta but since that area is kinda hot maka kita tak dibenarkan park lebih dari 1 jam. Kena beri peluang pada orang lain juga...
I've been using my ATM card since 2003 but about a month ago it refused to cooperate. Susahlah kalau ATM card buat hal sebab my monthly tranxns boleh tahan kencang (kencanglah sangat with 1-2 tranxns monthly), but please don't suggest maybank2u 2me, ok? Biar TB sorang jer yang guna ..
So, from the old card they 'upgraded' me (cewah, saja buat sedap telinga) to owning a platinum debit card cum ATM (mind you RM12 being one-time charge was debited from my account), ingatkan free tadi. Understood that the card expires in 2016, I told the friendly n helpful staff "entah2 saya dah takde masa tu...", huwaaa..
Anyway, what are the benefits of debit cards? 1. purchase without having cash in hand (but make sure there is cash berkepol2 in our account), and 2. obviously for security reason. Having done with errands in Malaysia I headed to France by land, heheh..
...... and bought some buns, egg tarts n weird looking bread ...
From France daku kembali berpijak dibumi nyata, bertolak kekiosk to pay some bills. Dah beli roti kat bakery tapi bila nampak 'invite2 banana', bakat tamak terus menyerlah so terFAksa capai sepeket (it turned out tak manis so I cicah dengan madu).
Thought of sending J-gua (nama samaran) to Lee's workshop untuk mandi/vakum and at the same time I can have a hair cut at JM's house just across the road. In the end, J-gua remains dirty like @#$%^&? but my head felt much lighter almaklum my crowning glory dah kena chopped off, hehe.
Went straight home to wash my hair and getting ready to have a weekly lunch date with TB. While I was doing my errands, TB at the same time did his (bought cat food and packets of coffee to make him more gagah, ooops).
So today another bout of genjatan pots n pans sebab ada orang tu terlebih mengada, mentang2lah her other 1/2 is on leave ...