Sunday 28 March 2010

Relax kejap ...

Jom relax kejap

rendamkan kaki

pejamkan mata





Tie said...

Errk !!

Kalau betul-betul pirahna tentu kaki-kaki yang comel tu tinggal tulang je, ekekeke.......

Ibu n Abah said...

salam kak som...
brrrrannniii u...
kaki nak dihidangkan kat piranha...
kang, kudung kang....

Kakcik Seroja said...

hehehe.. tak geli ke?

FaAtip said...

la hai, nak pejam mata relax macam mana tu, dok menahan geli!

Naz in Norway said...

Nak tanya....what happened to the fish after they've been feasting on your feet?
Nearest market? Euwwwwww! ;D

CS said...

Tie, kalau tu ikan piranha, I make sure gigi diorang dicabut dulu, kih3.

Akak, piranhas battery operated, tak makan owang, hehehe.

KakCik n Fa ..
Rasa macam geli tapi tak taulah gelii ke tak sebab tak PERNAH CUBA pun ;-)

Naz, I guess the fish will remain there foreva n eva. No market will accept them, hehe. They either die a natural death or they keep on doing what they know best ;-)


Lisa Ho said...

I would love to give it a go... not only feet... muka as well... who knows awet muda... botox-free treatment...hehehe

CS said...

Hi Ho Ho Ho ..

You've got to be a woman from Atlantis to be able to do the treatment to your face, kan kan kan? I think per session RM10 (not sure for how long); but still cheap ;-)

Dr Singa said...

try arapaima lepas ni....


fuiyooo piranha...!
mau putus kaki nanti..hehehe

CS said...

Dr Singa
Boleh kot try arapaima masa diorang masih baby. I pernah tengok arapaima giant kat pond umah my sister. Kalau sebesar tu, mau kodong kaki, huhu.

PB, it's a nightmare kalau betul2 ikan piranhas..