Do you think Kate is one lucky lady or rather the luckiest lady in the world to have married Prince William, 2nd in line to the throne? (ie after his father). Do you also think that Prince William is one lucky guy to have married Kate a commoner, the girl he has known since college?
To me, Kate doesn't look British enough gara2 her hair color being black or brown. I like her wedding dress as it looks so sopan. It seems that dress diilhamkan from the wedding dress worn by Princess GK of Monaco decades ago. Persamaanya pada kain lace yang diguna dan design yang sopan santun. And how much does the dress cost? Tak mahal mana pun, hic! Cuma 250 pounds jer but forget not to add a 'K' after '0', hokay?

Kepala I asyik terlanggar diorang punya camera yang besar bagak tu. Canggih maybe but when you give the person next to you a hard time, it's not a good idea afterall. A camera that looks like a semboyan is a no no! Tudung ala Yuna I jadi senget benget dibuatnya, mencii okay?!
Ramai mengomen tentang bunga yang dipegang Kate sebab simple benar rupanya tapi temubual Ryan S'crest with the know-all lady stated that the flower though small, yet nice n sweet will be in trend. What about the majlis santapan? What were being served? Well.. one of its menus was quail eggs (makanya population burung mesti terjejas dah telurnya dijadikan santapan diRaja, tak gitu?).
Anyway, I am happy to use the photos taken with my own
Last but not least, if I were the owner of Y*N*m Haircare, I would certainly seek an audience with the Duke. Bukan apa, saja nak promote something so that he would not look like his uncle, Prince E.
Note: A lil bit about the writer, ehem..
Err.... Som..!!
Sempat juga you fly sana amik gambor tu, ekekeke..... Kita tersangkut kat KLIA lalu ronda-ronda beli cokelat buat mengubat hati yang kempunan.. hehe...
Ekekeke.... tak tau you dpt jemputan. Kalau tak kita boleh pergi sama, ahaks. Since berangan tak kena apa2 bayaran maka haruslah berangan, hehe.
Cik Som,
Saya siap buat alarm kat henset pagi tu, punya la nak tengok dari mula wedding derang :D
They look really in love with each other, kan? Especially lepas akad nikah and time tok kadi dok kasik ceramah :)
Yesss... diharap mereka kekal berkahwin hingga keanak cucu cicit piut. Jangan mereka menderhaka pada janji manis, auwww.. Kita tak sker orang tak loyal, kankankan?
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