Kali nih buat tak banyak, dapatlah setengah kawah aje *blink2*. Guna 4 ekor ikan boleh dapat sekawah, boleh ke? Boleh if I use anak jerung sebagai pengganti ikan kembong, ekekeke.
T n I aje yang minat laksa nih while TB n D tengok mood tapi hari tu TB kata "OK luv" <- auww.. in response to my message "hari nih I buat asam laksa. You jamah eh?". Dia jawab cenggitu really make my day. Bukan syok dengan 'OK luv' dia tu but the fact that I don't have to cook other meals, tu yang buat I melompat yabedabedoooo...

How do we garnish a meal like this? Camana? Tabur garnishing dulu baru tuang kuah, or tuang kuah barulah tabur garnishingnya? Ishhhh... camana I boleh tercicir bab 'etiket metiket' nih ek?

Harus digaul dulu, slow but steady. If only I had used more than one munger kantan, the taste would have been meletop! Nasib baik a bouquet of daun kesum (no joke a bouquet) yang dibeli seminggu dulu masih segar. Kalau bubuh petis mesti lagi vavavoom tapi I plak tak pernah stok petis. Yang ada cuma betis sendiri aje, ahaks.

Sesuap, dua suap, tiga suap ........ dan ....... berpuluh2 suapan almaklum 3 hari 3 malam punya makan, hehe. Alhamdulillah beyond words!
T will be at home this whole month. Just wait n see .. she will surely up to something. Kejap nak makan gelato, kejap nak pizza D, kejap nak tu, kejap nak nih.

30% off for this meal only provided you use kad rimau, either credit or debit card. I used debit (in great anticipation that I'll get 'something' in return).
Laa...how come I missed this entWy? Ooooo...sebab I dah dapat preview dulu ek? Hehehehehe
Cik Som,
Hamboi.. terliur tengok laksa 3 hari 3 malam Cik Som tu. Kalo tabur lada kecik potong 2,3(puluh) sudu, haish! Nangis!
Tak kisah la kuah dulu ke, taburan dulu ke.. asalkan kenyang :)
It's not that you 'missed it', I yang published the entWy late, kept overnight in draft. You mcm tak biasa dgn I aje, hehe..
Lada kecik as in cili padi kah? Nangis for you, meraong for me (I tak tahan pedas); tapi ada gak I tabur cili merah sket.
Psst.. janji kenyang? orait..
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