I thought we were able to have a quiet dinner just the 4 of us but T could not make it on time as she was meeting a friend and makan2 at the E. I've advised her to come home early but something happened in the evening between doter n fader maka lagilah ada excuse not to join the family dinner. Isshhh...
What really happened memang menggelikan hati *senyum sambil geleng kepala* so being the understanding umi that I am (naik lift tekan sendiri), I excused her for not joining us for this particular dinner. Bertambah baik umi nih (naik/tekan lift sekali lagi) bila I kata "takpe... nanti kita gi makan berdua, eh?".

Wrappernya recycled dari magazine Astro. Bagus T nih tak membazir, kan?
Kita ke Thai restoran belakang rumah ...

I've been wanting to taste this 'sireh' since time immemorial, cewah. Perasan macam mengunyah sirehlah pulak, hehe .. cumanya kalau ada tembakau, I'd be in my element impersonating Mak Dara :-)
Verdict: so-so *sambil herot2kan bibir, mata pusing2 pandang kesiling*.
Below are some of the dishes n desserts ... I was glad I didn't take rice but instead meratah some of the dishes aje (tekad baru kekdahnya.. BBPJ).

Tengah mengunyah 'sireh' menghayati persona Mak Dara tetiba rasa perut churning n churning. Aisayman!! Without further ado, tak pandang kiri kanan dan belakang lagi, I terus berdezuuuuup ketempat itew.
TB n D jahaaat .. dua beranak tu picit hidung memasing sekembalinya I dari tempat itew. Apsal? smelly ka? kakakaaa ..
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