On Christmas day a few decades ago (wow!) , I got engaged to you-dont-know-who. It was quite meriah albeit a bit solemn as Mak wasn't around then. Had hinted to Mak about the majlis two years earlier. She seemed elated but Allah loves her more, she was never meant to witness it, sob3.
I was married to you-still-dont-know-who 4 months later AND we live happily ever after ... ("you hope my dear, you hope" .. as uttered by you-know-who in the perfume advert. Hahaa, ngaderlah si Mawi tu..).
To be able to live happily ever after you need to have lots of ............? Should you ask me for tips, I would just say it is plain qada' and qadar. Afterall, there is no such thing as 'live happily ever after' except maybe in 'life after death', insyaallah. Itu pun kalau..?
Al-kisah ...
A friend of mine shares her 'bereavement' with me. She feels empty and has totally lost trust with her hubby though there is still a bit of love left. Her final say is that she doesn't mind to live alone but she is still living together for the children's sake.
And yet there's another friend who's having somewhat the same dilemma. She feels empty, ridiculed and not appreciated. She stays on for the sake of her children.
Oh well .. life is such ..
kita je rasa kita dipinggirkan. Sebenarnya kita lupa bahawa kita ni pon pinjaman Allah swt. Sama seperti dia juga.
Orang selalu lupa, dia ingat yang dipinjamkan itu adalah hak mutlak dia. Kira macam kes setinggan haram lah ni.
Memula diberi tempat berteduh. Dah faham kalau satu hari nanti tuan tanah nak balik tanah tu, dia kenala bagi balik.
Namun bila dah ada bekalan air, diusahakn bekalan eletrik dan ada tanam tanaman, buat lagi renovation, bayo tu bayo ni dsb, dia rasa semua itu dia punya. Dia yang usahakan. Marah bagai nak rak bila tanah nak diambil balik.
Dalam hal suami isteri tambah anak, tambah perkongsian harta dsb, hingga lupa suami/isteri tu adalah pinjaman. Jika Allah nak ambil balik, kita tak nak bagi, seolah itu kita yang punya. Allah nak ambik nak memacam cara la. Kawin lain lah, sakit lah, meninggal lah.
Wa tak harap lu percaya dengan apa yang wa kata. Tapi lu juga kena paham bahawa wa juga ada hak berkata kata
Wa caya lu.
Elo Dentease, the fact that you care to mengulas shows you care about the topic I wrote. Wa terima. Kamsia eh lu..
Psst Dicken, berpakat dgn ipor ehh?? :-)
i wrote 2 posts on divorce. tak orang tak kita, kesian when ada yang kusut dgn relationship.
i'm not a judgemental person tapi the more i read your posts the more i'm inclined to observe.
you ni sensible, not just funny :} jgn marah aahh
Aisayman ....
Whylah you tak bitau you ada komen kat sini? Ada tak komen2 lain yang you dah buat??
Niway, thanks for the .. aaah malu ahh nak cakap.
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