Sunday, 10 May 2009

Mother's Day ...

Inahar, THANKS for this card
Selamat hari ibu khas kepada ibu2 yang sudi singgah berteduh disini samada seketika, jarang2 atau kerap.
I pernah ada 4 Mak tapi semuanya dah jadi aruah *except one.
1. My own Mak, Hajjah Hasnah.
2. My MIL, Hajjah Ros
3. Hubby's aunty Hajjah Jamilah
4. My friend @ ex-boss, *Mak SH
I called my mother Mak but my children call me Umi. Why Umi? Ntahlah.. rasa macam terpandang2 unta kat padang pasir tu. Though spelt as Umi but D&T normally call me Meh or Omeh .. maklumlah lidah tak berbedung since they were babies, haha. My siblings say as I becoming more dewasa (ie old lah tu), I look more like Mak. Tang mana yang sama, I pun tak pasti. Takmoh cerita banyak2 pasal Mak nanti I sedih. Semoga roh Mak dicucuri rahmat. Amin.
I was supposed to call my mother in law 'Mak' the minute her son becomes mine, right? (hehe, malu nak sebut part 'mine' tu); but I never got to do it. Lidah ni kelu aje. Bukan tak suka nak panggil dia Mak, tapi I terasa malu, or maybe the right word is janggal or kekok. Malu tak bertempat ni namanya penyakit hidup. I know, banyak benda yang I lepaskan begitu aje sebab malu yang tak bertempat. Bila I rasa malu of any kind, terngiang2 "inferiority complex" keluar dari mulut Bak. Somehow those words now give me some kind of semangat which I never had then. Bak, anak Bak dah 'berani sekarang' walaupun masih malu2 kucing.
Apasal mention Bak walhal today isn't Father's day yet? Digress jap, ok per..
Back to my MIL. It was fated that I never got to call her Mak. She died in Mekah 4 months after I got married. She was only 52.
As for hubby's aunty, literally everybody called her Mak or Mak Tua. She was the one who took care of hubby when he was a baby till toddler as hubby's real Mak gone out to teach. Manja tak ingat donia. Sampai bujang masih baring2 atas riba Mak. Masa kecik dia ketuk dahi Mak dengaaan.. tukul besi kot? I have no problem to call her Mak, tak rasa malu dan janggal. Why oh why?
My friend @ ex-boss. How am I to call him Mak when he's a man? Haa, payah sket cos minda I kata "oh tak betul, tak kena. Rambut mak I bersiput, Mak tu pakai tie. Lain. Tak boleh, tak kena". Dasyat otak ni menolak walhal panggil ajelah, khan?? Dia ada nama omputih tapi lidah ni tetap kelu so eventually I address him ikut surname dialah. He's a good friend/boss with boyish look. Will blushed all over when we say he looks young bla2. Kita muji2 tu ada udang disebalik batu.. biar dia kasi UP increment kita, haha. I like him cos he brings out the best in me (yang tak seberapa tu).
Last but not least, my appreciation and thanks go to my auntie, Chik. She took care all of my siblings, 11 of us no less; and also took care of D&T when they were babies. She used to say "ntah2 Chik dah mati bila awak2 semua kawin". Panjang umur dia and of all the people, she was the one who cried when I got married "kesian si Cxxx tu kena basuh baju". Hehe, sebulan aje basuh baju dengan tangan, selebihnya mesin yang tolong tapi sampai sekarang asyik kena masak jer. Why Chik, why pompuan aje kena masak??
Oh ada satu lagi 'last but not least'.. TODAY my step mum came all the way from JB to attend a family friend's majlis kawin. I dah nekad takmoh pegi to that majlis atas sebab2 tertentu (critical: tudung tak match dgn baju); but after knowing my step mum is right here in KL, I teruja gak nak jumpa my Mak Engku. That's what we call her. Overall, she is nice, friendly and I feel comfortable with her around. Psst, sometimes we call her Madam (of course without her knowing..).
Senang ke nak accept mak tiri dalam hidup kita? Mula2 memang susah w'pun masa tu Mak I dah takde. 'Susah' cos we want Bak to ourselves. The older siblings macam OK aje, but not me and my sis Ndja yang terlebih2 melalak... well, almost melalak but actually nangis ngongoi pelan2 belakang pintu aje. Apa pun Allah has His ways to deal with things which we humans are so dhaif to foresee ..
Apsal D, T and their Abah never wish me 'happy mother's day'? Depa tu semua nak kena buang negara taw .. menciiii .. malaslah nak masak cam nih. OKlah, nak majuk sampai petang.


Tunku Halim said...

A "Selamat Hari Ibu" to you! I hope it was a good day.

G'Zain said...

Salam CS,

Semalam wa MOD kat hotel in long maksudnya Mgr On Duty so wa and sister celebrate with our mum kat sini. Hmm anak bujang my mum ntah ingat ntah tidak..its ok janji my mum happy. And Happy Belated Mother's Day too for you...

3E said...

ala somuffins...jgn la asyik nak merajuk lagi.....Happy Mother's Day to u....

CS said...

Salam Gee. Am sure your mum gumbira dilayan cam tu. My bujang baru jer wish me abt 2 hrs ago. OKlah tu, better late than never but I pun dont really mind.

3E.. I majuk dlm blog aje. In real life, I teramatlah rajin; masak 4 lauk sekali. Gud ah??

Zendra-Maria said...

Salam somuffins, love to read your blog's coretans. You know personally I don't usually go for the hoo-haas of Mum's Day but the children get a kick out of it, so sssshhh humour them je lah, hehehe But for this year, well different sikit... they get full marks for effort

Happy Everyday to you

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Hi..masa Mom's Day I attended a course on scriptwritng, sampai la ke petang. Lepas tu balik, adalah my kids presented me with handmade card..sweet la..hubby kata nak bawak i keluar, but leaps tu dia leka tgk TV terus tido..itu la kisah my Mother's Day celebration..

CS said...

Ida, harap takde baling2 pinggan mangkok tunjuk perasaan. Baling TV lagi sesuai.. :-)

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

I tak baling pinggan-mangkuk. I went online, puas hati!

Anonymous said...

happy moms day ciksom ... well tahum ni my kids tak celebrate dgn i, maklom la aftermath wedding sebok mengemas and hauling barang. memang i mengharap harap nak celebrate thn nie maklom la taraf i dah naik ke mom ada merajuk sikit... sikit je...

CS said...

Azieda, nasib baik merajuk sikit aje, hehe.. tapi you masih boleh sambut belated mother's day, dgn menantu sekali. Sure more meriah.