Tuesday 29 September 2009

Musim raya pun kena tagged...?

Shira .. halalkan I pinjam dari blog you..
Your hair color: Masa I kecik2 dulu, Mak I used to say rambut I warna "perang" (bukan perang = war, ok?); but now? 'tau xper'.
Do you kiss on the first date: No
Worst fear: Pain
Your weakness: sympathise for a wrong reason
Best gift you have received: Unexpected durian runtuh
Best compliment someone gave you: "Toughest with strong principles and daring in the right way". Fuh! I terus tergolek2 taw.
Best thing to ever happen to you: Everytime Allah fulfils my doa
Favorite perfume: Used to be Estee Lauder, sporty one
Favorite sports team: None
Favorite drink: Prefer cold
Favorite getaway: Singapore will do (takot lelama dlm plane).
Favorite past-time: Reading and 'berkarya'
Favorite reality show: nothing in particular
Favorite clothes: t-shirt/pants (indoor); blouses/pants (outdoor)
Favorite restaurant: Nice ambience + aircond (wajib)
Favorite movies: Happy ending while the evil ones get pembalasan setimpal. Dush!!
Favorite TV show character: Fran
Favorite subject in school: English
Favorite day of the week: Last day of the 4th week (gaji time)
Favorite childhood memory: Berkaki ayam kejar mamak jual mee n sambal sotong kering pada waktu malam along kubur Jln Mahmodiah..
Favorite Actor: 6-7 of the local ones.
Favorite Actress: same as above. I'm a great fan of Malay dramas. Support Msian products
Love or money: Money generates love and vice-versa
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Pizza or Burger: Pizza
Kisses or hugs: Hugs
Passive or aggressive: Depends on situation
Morning or Evening: Morning
Summer or Winter: Summer
Ever won a sports medal: Never
Ever been out of your country: Yes
Ever bungee jumped: Thank you very much
Ever swam in the ocean: Yes, at the Lido Beach, hehe
Ever been in love: Bencilah soklan nih ..
Ever broken someone's heart: Dont think so
Ever lied to your parents: Itsy bitsy teeny weeny white ones
Ever puked at a party: Never
Ever danced all night long: Never
Ever been fined by a traffic cop: Once and I tak halalkan, ok?
Ever been to a drive-in-movie: Never
Ever lied to teachers in school: Once twice thrice ...
Ever dyed your hair: Yes, tapikan.. tapii..
Had your heart broken: No
Broke a bone: Never cos I'm a gud gal
Any tattoos: No
Done anything you regret: Yes
Your dream vacation: Anywhere dingin just the 4 of us
Do you hate anyone: No but I think I should, hmmm...
Hip-hop or Rock: slow rock soothing to the eardrum .. anytime
Country you'd love to visit: Belgium to find a long lost family friend
Craziest thing you've done: YM from 11pm to 5am.
Your craziest dream in life: to migrate (it's a dream afterall)
Do you swear a lot: Never .. tsskk.. tsskk..
Your best buddy these days: Mrs Z
Are you a health freak: It fluctuates
Vehicle you drive: J-gua but not Jaguar


ceriaWAN said...

adakah semua jawapan tu dijawab dgn jujur sejujur jujurnya?? hehehe

CS said...

Wahai ceriaWan .. tak berapa jujur. Malaslah nak jujur2, kan kan?

ain said...

well...now I know u better!!!

shahirahkhairudin said...

owh Cik Som..i love u evn more.. (^_^)

Naz in Norway said...

Boleh percaya ke ni????
Tag ni tak datang dengan lie detector ke? :P

CS said...

Ain, tu baru 'tip of the iceberg' jer... hahaha.. hehe..huhu

Shahirah, (besarlah harapan) lenkali tag I yang pendek2 aje taw; yang ada soklan 1-5. You dak baik kan?

Naz, baca boleh percaya jangan (bbpj). Lie detector rosak sempena bulan Ramadhan lalu, harharhar ..

kak ja said...

Rajinnya u jwb tag pjg berjela mcm ni, CS!!

CS said...

Ja, I baru je jwb kat sms soalan yang sama you berikan. I ni kan sporting? (ewah2). Sipemberi tag ialah orang muda makanya tak salah I ambik masa menggumbirakan hatinya. It's for fun. I tau dia nak bermanja2an dengan I tu. OK gak, dapatlah I sorang lagi anak angkat ... ehhh, 'adik' angkat.

Spices of Life said...

Pheww.. longest tag ever and as usual cik som kita as creative witty ever.. Yup my greatst fear.. pain and bungy jumping. last pain , child birth..

<3 hugs..
i love yr profile pic.. now i know why u love cats.. malu malu kucing rupa nyer u.

CS said...

Azieda, yes the longest tag. Semput I dibuatnya, hehe.

That profile pic tells everyone that I am facing my 'moments of truth'. Hehe, almaklumlah kaan?

kak ja said...

Profile pic u semlm pakai spek itam besaq.. Ari ni spek dah hilang, tp muka tu tanak gak pandang I.. apsai CS? U tak sudi memandang kami?

CS said...

Ja, tetiba I malu sendiri. Dahlah melaram dgn spek hitam ntah saper punya .. pastu pose cam gaya 'indah kabar dari rupa'aje, makanya I terpaksa berundur diri.
Bukan tak sudi memandang you all, cuma I prefer to pandang belakang, ngeh3.