Sunday 13 December 2009

Bummer ...

new vs old - it's all about size...

the RCA - Return Check Advice

Dah 2 bulan I terima RCA=NPC dari 'bank yang tak pernah tidor'. Berdebar2 juga bila dapat surat cam tu. Yalah kan, sebelum I lepaskan ceq kedalam mesin terima ceq, I dah pastikan dulu $ dalam bank cukup (takdelah melimpah ruah, cukup makan aje). I am not taking any chances as Murphy's Law would strike at any time of the day. Cari na'as namanya tu bila ceq dah menonong pergi, I pulak baru terkedek2 masukkan $ kedalam bank.
Back to that RCA. I was curious. What have I done wrong? It was stated 'reason for return: 81-Lain-lain'. What does 81 mean? So I called them up .. easy .. diorang baik budi bahasa, dah tersedia nombor telefon kat kepala hotak surat rasmi.

Have you ever tried calling the CS center of any organization lately?? If your answer is "yes", so how was it? Based on my experience, suffice to say that I'd rather grill a whole sheep (from scratch) than wasting my time plonking at the phone pads trying to get a connection. I gave up after several futile attempts.

I was all geared up when I received the 2nd RCA recently; it's now or never - no more procrastination. It was my lucky day. A guy from HR dept picked up my call and he transfered it to the CS personnel. The lady told me that I might still be using the kuno cheque book, haha and that roughly explains 'RCA no. 81'.

I got my cheque book = 50 pieces in Aug 2006 and now it's Dec 2009. Isn't that kuno enough? If only I knew of the phasing out period, I'd have gotten a replacement from the bank for all the unused cheques.

Al-kisah, all banks in M'sia have since changed the size of cheques based on announcements made by BNM in late 2007. Dont ask me more but it's all about CTCS=Cheque Truncation & Conversion System. *Sigh* Where was I and how come I didn't know about it then? I must have overlooked, what else? (tulah, asyik baca ruang gosip aje, kan dah? haha).
Something to ponder: Which is the easiest? To forgive and forget; to forgive but never forget or the extreme .. never forgive and never forget


Kakcik Seroja said...

Salam CS..

sekali lagi kakcik kena cari kamus :) Awatnya? tak tukaq buku cek lagi ka? :)

Menelefon bank memang satu pengalaman yang menyakitkan hati. Asyik2 disuruh tekan nombor itu ini. Sudahnya... putus begitu saja.. :(

ain said...

oowwwhhh...dh guna cek baru ka..??? hubby sejak ada maybank2u, mmg tak guna lg cek book ni.

Tie said...

Err... Tie memang tak faham langsung pasal cek ni.. Tau guna cash je, hihi....

Queenie said...

I lagi taktau apa2...
sejak berenti kijer lama dulu terus jadi bo..oh..

CS said...

KakCik, tulah.. kita terlefas fandang (maklum sebuk berblogging, mueheheheh).

Ain, my hubby guna on-line dan ceq. I guna ceq bila nak bayar utang 'sendiri buat sendiri tanggung', haha TST jerlah.

Tie/QJ .. janganlah gitu, kena tau gak cikit2, K?

kak ja said...

Sj nak menambah kusut u, CS:



Pssstt!! Ada org kata kat I, kalau u fogive tp tak forget, itu maknanya u masih berdendam.. I sgt2 tak bersetuju!!

CS said...

Ja, where was I? ntahlah ek.. gaknya masa tu I sebuk preparing for my SPM, ahaks.

I setuju dgn your tak bersetuju tu (bcakap ni based on experiencelah kan?)