Pokok apple belakang rumah tinggal sebiji aje buahnya so I petik cepat2 sebelum dimakan tupai. Dah tak boleh buat apam mekar dan kek PSP (paun susu pekat) maka I beralih selera pada kek apple. Since I sorang aje yang makan kek tu maka tak perlulah telek2 resipi lagi. Baguslah kalau menjadi tapi kalau disastrous, out it goes to the bin!
Dapat 3 buku kek saiz comelzz .. yet to ngap the last one, haha..
Dapat 3 buku kek saiz comelzz .. yet to ngap the last one, haha..

Jiran beri goody bag masa cukur ramos cucu dia hari tu so apple Fuji

My collection of ovalette ... all yet to expire. They are placed in the fridge except the left one. How is it possible that I have so many of those which hardly being touched? Well .... *sambil memandang kelantai terasa bersalah* it's all due to buying on impulse, what else?
I bought each one of them in anticipation that I'd use it to bake chiffon or sponge cake but sad sad sad to say that I failed even before I tried. The semangat just withers away...
If only I planned well... but all the same, do I ever learn from mistakes? Heck no-never-not-at-all where this thing is concerned for I was back on buying on impulse again, hehe. Having said that I'm pretty sure that I am not an impulsive buyer, nope! (gulp!)
(For crying out loud) here it is ... I just acquired another one of those! clapclapclap... syabas CikSom! You just know how to hoarde things eh?? heheh ..
As I told you before that I wanted to make apam mekar so much, right? Well... apam mekar needs ovalette to make it 'bloom' unconditionally, haha .. tapi tulaaa... tong gas yang dah dua bulan diguna just refused to surrender ...
Btw, what's the connection between ovalette n tong gas itew? haha..apa2lah.
Btw, what's the connection between ovalette n tong gas itew? haha..apa2lah.
The other day I went to a shop which sells baking utensils and the like. I was quite impressed to know there exists a pre-mixed flour to make macarons (a packet costs RM11+). They even conduct a class on how to make macarons, heheh goody good I like!
In fact every now and then they do conduct cooking classes at the shop. I've attended once before, remember? No? Yes? but just in case no one does, sob3, it's here beb...
Wah...aunty som lately ni agak rajin membaking...teruskan kerajinan anda!!!...
aunty, for your info, the chiffon cake tak guna ovallette tau...:-))
Hehehe...Cik Som...u r so creatip..from the 1 biji apple bule campak2 resepi jadik cake apple..syabassss...there goes the PSP (hahah...ada jer CS nih..whats with the abbrev again..muahahha) & apam mekar...
looking at the near expire ovallet, ai rasa I have to clean up my baking cabinet & the fridge soon..more because like u, memang I pong hoarder jugak..buying things just in case menda tu takder kat umah...but in the end ada pong!!! esbok sarat barat..macam mana nak nampak kan....
err....nice pan(t)s...hehe..
Nampaknya dlm hal ini I surrender dulu ler SOM.
Kata kan nak bakor kek, nak kenal mana acuan kek mana acuan bun, mana acuan cookies? Memang I failed..! zero terus.
ovallete tu mender?
Kak Som, bab membeli ketika semangat sdg membara utk memasak itu-ini, tp kemudiannya semangat padam bagai api lilin ditiup angin taufan, u mmg sepesen dgn I.. Kalau I godek2 fridge, gobok n store I, nescaya I boleh bukak kedai kecik kpg kat umah!!
yeayeaaayyy!! boleh jd tauke!!
salam Somuffins,
Alhamdullilah, berjaya jugak u bake. Tapi hairan kenapa u byk ckp tapi tapi eh?? hehehez. Kek menjadi jer I tgk, guna acuan kiut miut lagi I likeee :)
Ovalette tu berharga dkt sini. I nak tanya arh kot2 u tau....Ovalette brand 'kijang' halal ke tidak sebab dlm packaging tu takde tanda halal. Ada sorang kwn I frm M'sia kasi....kalau tak halal, I nak buang jer, sbb buat menyemak lah...hehehez
Cik Som
I saw a premix macarons in one of the baking supply shop here but errr to be honest i dont trust all the premix lah.. tak sesedap when u bake it fm scratch especially when it comes to macarons..
As promised bef kita gi malam ni.. the length is 32x32cm.. the height is 7cm..
If u hv the time go to
The measurement yg i bagi is the exact measurement of my bundt pan.. hope that helps :op
Cik Som.
I was in the mood to catch up with cooking ,inspired by you ,who else.
Tapi laziness crept in to refer to recipes.So I just mix and beat and heat.
Konon konon ala ala chef.
The result....disaster.haha
kak som...
u, ja, dan i... mmg dah buleh bukak kedai runcit tepi rumah... membeli rajin... kumpul2.. sampai dah boleh bukak kedai.... hahahaha...
tahniah... sejak akhir2 ni mmg u dilanda kerajinan yg amat sangat membuat kek....
hint.. ari ni aniberseri i... lemparlah sepotong dua kek apel tu.... chian kat i.....
pssttt CS... you ada nordicware bundt pan tu ke? Alaa...nak jeles jap.
*my word verif: ineri...oh, adakah?
u, ja, akak bukak kedai bakery....I'm the boss, okay!!
**nak raca catu kek tuu..**hehehe
salam CS
macam k.lili kata, jeles la tengok bundt pan CS yg comey tu. I've ordered too, but from amazon.com. tak tau ler bila boleh sampai coz kena ship to rumah kawan kat US. maybe tahun depan la kot sampai.. huhuhu... nak pinjam bundt pan tu boleh? hehehhe
ps : nak cake sikit.. lapar la.. belum bfast lagi :(
cik som... dah lama tak nampak ovelette tuu... first kenal masa kecik, time2 raya... bila dah masuk asrama, sampai ler dah berenti keje, baru terjumpa balik ovelette nih... apa fungsi pon tak tau sbb sume resepi yg kita jumpa tak de pun guna ovelette nih... :-D
apahal plak Fa ni.. I dah booking jd towkey, dia nak jd boss lak..
Pokok Epal belakang rmh tinggal sebiji je buahnya? ish ish ish... masa I pergi hari tu, masih lebat lagi.... I baru je ingat nak datang petik lagi....
kak Som,
akak gunalah jugak..walaupun banyak..hehe.
saya beli aje tapi tak guna-guna pun..
What a day. Editor AlKisah komain sibuk hari nih almaklum Cinder-Rela kaanz?? Anyway, thanks for all the comments. I appreciate it.
Lately I bake bukan sebab I rajin tapi sebab I'm curious (wpun minat I adalah membaking). You are right, chiffon tak guna ovalette tapi tidak salah kalau you gunakan pun. The fact that you guna BP & Cream of Tartar, kedua2 tu sebenarnya adalah substitute (pengganti) ovalette. BP, CoT & ovalette = cake stabilizer esp untuk sponge cake.
Info. diatas mengikut bacaan dan kefahaman I :-)
Takat nak makan sendiri, I game aje melempor dan mencampak bahan2 dpn mata. Takkan I nak kritik kow2 kat diri sendiri bila kek tak sedap, kih3. I shall KIV kek PSP & apam merkah.
You pun hoarder berhemahkah? kah3. Part esbok tu, maybe WE should use GPS untuk cari barang2, muahahaha. Mana tau tetiba terjumpa SEPIT baju sedozen?? ngeh3...
Psst.. those pan(t)s aren't Nordicware :-(
I donch-beliv-watchu-sed! You saje jer humble kan? Bukan ke you tokay tart nenas??
Ovalette adalah agen 007 untuk menggebukan kek atau kek sepan. Heran plak I dah tergebu tanpa makan ovalette *sigh*
Mungkin kita boleh bukak persatuan 'hoarders berhemah'. Niat kita baik lagi suci, jauh sekali niat untuk membazir, kaanz? Tulah bila dah beli something terus simpan, we tend to forget; dan bila kita kesupermarket tetiba tergerak hati nak beli, kita pun beli.
Boleh kita salahkan pada sipenjual tak? akakakaaa...
You perasan I banyak cakap 'tapi tapi' eh? heheh.. but for sure this particular entry, takde langsung 'tapi tapi' kan?
Sebenarnya phrase 'tapikan tapi' is really meant untuk orang yang tak nak give up tentang sesuatu. Cara cakapnya pun kena betul dengan pejam-celikkan mata. U dapat bayangkan, tak?
Re: ovalette: I tak pernah tau ada bahan baking jenama 'Kijang' tapi kalau you dah was2, I think you better let it go.
By now I think you dah berada dlm perut kapalterbang. Thanks for the 'vital stastic' measurement, hehe *pun intended*.
As for the pre-mixed macarons flour tu, I suka sbb I didnt know such flour exists and you know me, kalau boleh I nak semua siap with just a twitch (cam Elizabeth Montgomery = Bewitched).
You got the inspiration to cook from me? Oh no, malu I! Pls kindly U-turn to cikMatGebu's blog. There you will be inspired, insyaallah :-)
Yang disaster tu tak boleh dimakan langong ke? Even Mok, Jade n Dell tak sanggup nak makan?? mueheheheh.
I harap you setuju kita bukak kelab 'hoarders berhemah'. Kita buat signboard 'mini market' n tampal pada gate. Dpt pahala juga buat khidmat masyarakat cenggini, kan?
Hepi eniberseri2 Akak. Berkilau2 jer mutiara itew, auww. Oh ya, mintak mahap, kek epal dah habishh..
Toksah jeles2 tapi kalau you nak jeles juga, apa salahnya, har3. Truth is, that's not Nordicware pan. Haa.. nyesal tak you duk jeles2 tadi tu?? :-)
So now kita dah kumpul 4 AJK for kelab 'hoarders berhemah'; they are Akak, Ja, you and me. Siapa nak jadi tokay?? Siapa2 pun boleh asalkan sanggup tak bergaji..
Waaah, you very d'one step ahead ehh?? Gud gal but are you sure of its measurement? Boleh ke mould to masuk dlm your oven??
I tau ovalette as bahan buat kuih jer tapi baru 2-3 tahun tahu rupanya camana. Beli tu pun sebab terkesima dgn resipi apa ntah (terkesima kejap aje).
Tugas ovalette untuk memantapkan kegebuan dan kelembutan sponge cake.
Donchuwori .. Seminggu you jadi towkay, seminggu Fa jadi boss. Bergilir2 hingga salah sorang 'boss-an', heheh.
Alahai you.., you dah terlambat sebab apple2 tu dah dibeli oleh McD kira harga borong aje. Sampai hati diorang tinggalkan I sebiji aje.
Jom kita guna mende tu untuk buat apam mekar, nak tak?? Jom..
tapi I tak pandai niaga..I cepat kesian kat orang, nanti kalau depa masuk ngan anak2 nak beli, I bagi anak2 depa free je sorang satu ketoi...
tapiii..i sukaaa keghah oghang suruh buat kejaaaa...**tengah imagine, akak, you and ja kecut perut tengok i masuk kedai** hehehehehehe....
1 lawan 3, berani you Fa?
kak som..
kiranya pokok apple belakang rumah u, u dah pajak dengan Mc D lah yer?????hahahahahahahah lawak sungguh.....
jangan u mimpi lah kami nak kecut perut bila u masuk kedai... macam kak som cakap... 3 lawan 1... siang-siang you dah kalah....
nak tau berani ke takkk..kita kena jumpaaa dulu...tengok lagu manaaaa...hehehee
Kekdahnya cenggitulah. I pajak pada McD belakang rumah aje. Kalau apple pie kat situ tak sedap, you taulah kenapa dan mengapa, har3..
Sumpah tetiba I rasa takot & geron!! Jom kita berdamai aje sambil berpiknik dan bercanda ditepian pantai Cherating.. Jgn lufer vawak your folka dot vikini kaler fink!
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