So yesterday soon after I picked her, merayulah dia mintak I singgah kat Es-so sec. 7 tu. Ikutkan juga, kesian punya pasal. For sure tak nampak batang hidung f&c pun tapi bila dah terpandang ayam golek ala KeniWojers, takkan I nak lepaskan peluang, tul tak? Dahlah lum breakfast, lagi pun .. psssst .. murah you, hehe.
T masih tak puas hati so kita stop over at another Es-so kiosk just to ensure f&c is available there.. Still no hope. It seems KL branch aje yang serve that f&c but tak ketahui which branch.
Verdict: Terasa apa yang patut dirasa, plain sedaps! KeniWojers himself definitely likes it but for sure he would say "lebih sedap kalau ada sos warna coklat" <-- tetiba kelu lidah dia nak cakap omputih, heheh.
TB n I are supposed to do our grocery shopping today but can't do..lah (have to put 2 dots if not you all ingat I sebut nama 'dolah' plak) as today is Saturday. Diorang tak beri plastik bag and I don't want to bring my own shopping bag. Why?? Come onlah, kita dahlah kayakan diorang, isnt it ok for them to 'give back something to us as a token of appreciation'? <- whateva that means, hehe.
So we cancel grocery shopping but plan to JJCM instead, what else? but before that I have to prepare something first as per T's request. For wanting to save RM27 kekdahnya, maka I rajinkan diri.
So guess what I plan to cook later based on some of the following ingredients ...

OK then, till we meet again, daaaa ....
Nak masak spaghetti ke cik kak? :))
Er, how come you did not give us the verdict for that roast chicken a la keniwogers tu?
You know what, you people down there in KL are still lucky with no plastic bags only on Saturdays. Over here in Penang it is EVERYDAY. I have to bring my 4 shopping bags, tau!
my word verif: tedrabl.. hikhik!
Cik Lili...
i dapat nombor 2 pun takper....
cik som...
nanti sat lagi i komeng...
i pun nampak macam nak masak spagetti....
Esso ada F & C?
kadang2 pagi2 kahar bawak jugak i pi b/fast kat esso sebab dia nak elak i dari mamam nasi lemak....
CS, green colored ingredient tu ape?
ade aje nak kasik org teka teki.. ;p
hahaha terkial kial i dor try to understand apa kaitan nama "dolah" tu..then baru notice part do.. lah hahahaha selow betul kan i nih :D
masak spaghetti ke? anak i suka..karang i poskan dia ke rumah u ye!
spaghetti laaa tu, kannnn? heheheheh..
a'ah la, pasaipa takdak verdict pasal the ayam ala kennyrogers itu.. sile la bg comment ala-ala maria tunku sabri, hehehehe
Bila dah siap masak, cik Kak akan paparkan kat bilbod, tunggu ya? About the shopping bags, taklah I nak membebel. Ada sebab nape I duk bising. Psst.. jom pindah KL, nanti you juga dafat flastik bag fwee. Verdict: nanti I update kat entry eh??
Katanya certain kiosk kat KL aje ada jual fish n chips tapi dono where. Ehhh.. kat kiosk tu pun ada jual nasi lemak kan?? Pendek kata, MMA.
Yang rona ijau tu ialah celery. Kena hiris halus2 so that it will not be that obvious. Kalau my dara tau, dia tak moh makan kang. BTW, teka meneka untuk jalinkan kemesraan, auww..
I tak masak spaghetti tapi I masak dot3, hehe. Kalau siap nanti, si 'Dolah' nak datang makan, ahaks.
Vukan nak masak spaghetti tapi nak masak sedara sepupu sepapat senegeri spaghetti, hehe. Verdict: I update kat entry k?
I suka JJCM kat Esso! Macam2 ada! sometimes, I beli ramly burger kat situ. Kalau beli burger special, baru dalam RM2.50. Murah sangat, pastu sedap pulak :D
Nak masa apa tu ?
Cer citer.. cer citer... :)
Burger kat situ sedap? patutlah I nampak sorang mamat ensem makan burger tak pandang kiri kanan. I ketinggalan zaman sebab tak tau Esso ada jual macam2 as I selalu ke Petronas.
I nak masaaaak .... Cer teka, cer teka *sambil senyum kambing*
i pernah hantam masak sabsuka with those ingredients :}
Hantam or hempok? :-)
Takperlah hantam pun hantamlah asalkan it's edible (esp when it's coming from you, haha..)
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