Alkisah ... Mak used to have two recipe books, very legendary one. Maybe it was printed even without ISBN/ISSN but out of curiosity I shall check with Ngah n Teh as both of them are the caretakers of the recipe books. You may ask what's with those ISBN/ISSN? Hehe.. abaikan.
Mak masak arisa, halwa maskat n air bay setiap hari raya. Semua tu makanan Arab walhal Mak orang Medan. Camana Mak tau nak masak semua tu? Bravo to Mak and I wonder in great wonderment, cewah.
Bila Mak pakai cermin mata dan mentelaah buku resipi, that would definitely be the time our family would have had a big feast. Our all time fav would be Beriani Rubian, yummy giler!!! Apparently rubian is prawn in Arabic .. tssk .. ahlan wasahlan..
This 'nasman' came all the away from Damsyik, a restaurant in Sban. Ndja was generous enough to have sponsored 18 boxes of the 'nasman' to be shared amongst the siblings. I had 3 shares, yahooo.. muai!
And now for the dessert (no connection whatsoeva with nasi mandi but who cares.. Untuk kenangan blog sendiwi, anything goes, heheh), we had this cendol ...

T is adamant that PakLi's cendol is the best. Oh yeah? but looking at it the first time had me sniffed "nape pucat aje rupa dia?", haha.. (hal remeh, kertu memang selalu jump to conclusion but hal serious, kertu will investigate hingga keakar umbi, don't play2 one).
Owh!! patutlah cendol tu pucat aje, rupa2nya diorang dah sediakan gula melaka dalam bekas untuk kita tuang sesuka hati sendiri, I lavit! Come to think of it, they should also sell kuih lopes as both use the same kind of sauce. Why not?

Selagi boleh makan yang manis maka I prefer my cendol to be creamy n sensibly sweet with strong taste of palm sugar aka gula melaka (no wonder I married cucu piut puteri Hang Li Po, haha.. but what's the connection? ).
Alaahai... Kita memang minat betul dengan masakan Arab,mana nak cari kat Ganu ni... aderk!
Err.. kita tukar url... nak lari dari bebudak sekolah Wanie tu.. Letih tul angkut segala harta benda dari blog lama.
Eh eh eh, how did you do this... a post about 4 days ago to appear just now?! Terer betul CSi ni...hikhik
*Oops, don't play play Lili - nanti kena babab dgn kak som! ;p
Apsal tekak I ngade2 tak mau terima sendol sendolan ni? Masa wedding bebaru ni, beratur orang amik sendol but me. Jemputlah sikit jangan tidak...hihi!
Tapi that nasman from Damsyik with love tu memang mengancam. How now kalau I nak? Ada resep? :D
My word verif: loglogoi??? =))
tergegar iman tau tengok the cendol..
anyway, cendol masa musim panas, tak cukup 2 mangkuk kan cik som kan..
Mekasih beritau pertukaran url tu. You jadi fugitive diblog sendiri ke? hehehe.. Puas berangkut bagai, nasib baik arif nak membuatnya. Kalau I, menangis tak berlagulah jawabnya sbb tak reti nak buat camana.
P.S: Insyaallah makanan Arab akan menular ke KT soon :-)
How did I do that?? It's quite complicated, ngeh3 but bisa aje dipelajarin Buk Lili. 50% discount just for you.
Why dont you like cendol Ms emily? Ada pengalaman mengerikan masa dulu kala kah?? Pernah terserempak with cacing dlm cendol?
That particular NasMan was bought in Sban. Resipinya gue nggak ada tapi cer google.
Oleh kerana cendol tu dimakan selepas meal dan dalam keadaan selesa dalam kedai yang dingin, maka semangkok dah cukup, tu pun share berdua.
Having said that, kalau makan cendol kat van tepi jalan, memang harus slurp 2 mangkok *tapi tak pernah plak buat kerja cenggitu, hehe*
Nak komen setlh kali ke3 ziarah nie.. Sbb??? ada gambar cendol. Ohhh.. mmg hebat sekali rupanya!
Tq n mahap terlepas pandang your comment. You minat cendol ke? Mesti dah windu dendam kat cendol, ya tak? Cendol tu memang yummeh!
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