I'm in the right mood to bake but no, I'm not making Pear Perfection - not even close to that, hahaa.. Baked banana muffins yesterday for T to be brought back to her 2nd home. So as to save on electricity bill
(austerity drive u'olls), I make sure the batter molek2 fit into 13 medium sized paper cups and bake in one go!

T commented "choc rice nih tak relevantlaa Mi". I purposely put those dual-colored choc rice cos I kinda rindu of the little girl who used to say
geli2 in reference to chocolate rice. I wish that little girl never grows up so that I could gomol2, peluk2, cium2 n buli2 her to my heart's content. Haha.. sadis!
... and this morning, I baked bread pudding TBB version due to the out-of-the-norm ingredients used besides the wajib ones konon nak jadi Adriano Zumbo! mencipta dan terus mencipta something new, haha..... haaa... (biar betul?).

Extra ingredients: slices of apples and a piece of cheddar cheese. Haiyaaa nyonya ... itu bread pudding terlebih liquidlah!
I wanted to blog a bit about the Jr MC finale last Sunday but couldn't find the right time to do so cos my blitzy mood swayed to an unknown zone.
By now I' m sure everyone knows who Isabella is. Mind you, she speaks good Malay too "saya hanya boleh kata ....", hehe. 
Believe it or not, the juries also speak Malay. One of the juries said "ia antara mee kari paling sedap pernah saya makan". Gosh.. did Isabella really cook mee kari? Whaah.. cayalah dak Bella tuuuu, kan?
Mee kari made in frenzy (cos I have to finish cooking before the Jr MC finale started, hehe), but still, it tasted out of the world, uhuk2 <- jury yang batuk sebab tersedak kuah kari pedas. 
Seeing is believing ... Just look at the points given to Isabella on her masterpiece. Tu baru dari sorang jury belum lagi dari 4 yang lain ...
Well, I can't fool no one, can I? hehe.. guwau2 membawa bahagia, khaaan??

Let me berangan for a while kononnya that boy is D while the girl is T. No wonder budak2 tu tereL memasak, see the leg laaa, anak siapakah diorang berdua tu? hehe.. I wish. 
Pear Perfection is one of the two desserts both Jack n Isabella baked during the JrMC finale.
... and back to the real world, I'm now presenting to you my bread pudding TBB (tak boleh blah). Am yet to make the custard sauce but it's better to eat with vanilla ice-cream, isn't it? <- yes! aura malas sudah mari..
...miss your blogging
Nasib baik I grad dari Oxford University (Press), ahaks.. so fahamlah I akan bahasa omputih patah2 you itew, hehee.. Thank you and hoping that you are in the pink of health.
owh! i thot u dah buat pear perfection dah tadi hikhik :-)
anak i suka sangat kat isabella tu..sanggup tunggu nak tengok isabella menang tapi dia tidur dulu. eh, tadi plak i tertengok 1st episode of Jr MC..rupanya isabella n her twin sis tu plan nak ada rest nama Is Sofia..chomel kan nama rest dorang tu
Cik Som,
Bergelora nyer hati ini menengok bread puding tu. Maya dtg bwk aiskrim yea..nak haagen daz or baskin robin??
Aunty CS,
Bread pud ada raisin tak? I love those jumbo raisin...yang ala2 banyak jual kat Mekah/Madinah tu! Kalu buh dalam nasi Arab/minyak pun sodap. Ice cream? Mestilah Bulla! yummmm.....
You should have known me by now. Kerja2 rumit memang bukan my forte. Alangkan yg senang takes me forever to execute ni kan pulak that Pear Perfection, huwaaa. Am not sure whether Isabella and her sis are twins but I know her sister's name is Sofia aka cik Piah (kebetulan nama my SIL).
Bergelora hati macam ombak tsunami yg berombak2 ka? Well OK, I accept both eskrim if you don't mind (kasi betis nak peha), hehe. TQIA
Raisins adalah bahan wajib bebila I make bread pud but if Kak T is around, I omit it. I've tasted jumbo raisins from Kazashtan, yummy. Maybe samalah dari Mekah tu juga. Bulla? Tak pernah rasa but I think I've seen it sold at the s'market. Awak nak belanja saya ke? Meow..
Cik Som,
Baru nak komen kat entry lama tiva-tiva dah tak diberi keizinan..kenapa cenggitu?
Tak apa,saya tulis kat sini ajelah ya?I prefer peha sebab lebih gevu dan montok dari pipi..hehe..kanan ke kiri CS boleh pilih.
Rajin CS menguli muffin + bread pudding + mee kari?3 menu dalam sehari...bahagia kalau dapat berjiran dengan CS.
If you notice, after quite a while my entry berada kat dada AlKisah, I will tutup kotak komen. It's my big project cos so far masih banyak entries lama2 yg perlu ditutup komen boxnya. Bukan apa, I would like to read readers' comments and respond tapi kalau entry yg lama2 I can't possibly know/do so.
Mee kari I buat on Sunday nite, muffins pagi semalam n bread pud pagi nih. Pls dont think I am that rajin wpun kadang2 memang rajin pun, auwww..
P/S: tak sampai ati nak cubit peha so I tetap nak cubit pipi, hehe.
ha ah dorang twin tapi twin tak seiras..isabella lagi cantik kan!
ish anak i suka ngan isabella sampai verangan nak namakan adik dia isabella hahaha macam la mak dia dah pregnant :D
awat entry lama ciksom takleh baca komen? awat tak set komen akan dicopy ke mail box?
haaa... ciksom tatau ek feature tu.... tula makan lempeng pithang banyak sangat.
ciksom, i prefer bread pudding with custard sauce, so yum yum!!
alaa, i tak tgk Jr MC, so tak leh nak comment lelebey, heheheh
If so they are twins, they are not identical but all the same they look pwetty n sweet, juga very polite. Hasya dah angin2kan tu, go aheadlaa Mama :-)
Ekceli I tak faham apa you maksudkan tapi I bantai ajelah menjawab ikut firasat kefahaman I, k? My entry lama2 masih boleh dibaca komen2nya cuma tak boleh mengomen aje (projek besar2an untuk menutup kotak komen entry lama masih on going). Wld appreciate AB terangkan apakah feature yg dimaksudkan itu?? Psst.. kita makan mafin pithang bukan lempeng tapi lempeng tu apa eh? Sejenis pancake ke? kih3.
Aura malaz sudah mari maka bread pud dimakan begitu sajaa. You xtengok JrMC? Kalau you tengok, you mesti rasa nak kidnap diorang. Dapat sorang pun jadilah :-)
dear ciksom...
menurut pembacaan saya bahawa komen baru di entry lama you can't possibly know (kopipes ayat cs naaaa).
ada feature di setting dimana semua komen di entry lama, baru, lapuk, jaman pramlee pasti boleh diketahui tuan rumah dengan cara memilih setting setiap komen baru yg diterima dari penskodeng even dari entry jaman tun razak akan keluar di kotak emel. Ala-ala fesbuk la.... err... cs kenai ka fesbuk tu apa...kehkehkeh....
yg benar.
Pudding TBB u nampak sungguh menggoda sukmaku.. Next time u buat, cuba try test letak pithang.. tak mustahil sedap jadinya.. Kalau tak sedap gak n xde saper nak mamam, bawak je ke KlabHaus kita.. Sambil merapu, sambil ngap.. silap2 tak cukup plak jadinya!!
Cik Som,
Vanilla ice cream kalo makan dengan apa2 pon gerenti sedap, kan? :)
* saya pon tumpang ilmu dari Kak Tek. ooooo gitu ka? fesbuk tu sepupu esbok kot..
Bread pudding mu nampak sedap.. kat freezer ade dua buku.. tak tahu bila lah nak diguna kan.. so many things in my freezer needs to be thrown away.. grr byk kerja lah lately sampai tak sempat nak blog walking.. :o(
(sambil gelak dlm hati)
Timakasih kerana menerangi laluan gelapku dgn memberi tips berguna, tapikan tapi adalah lebih mantap jika diberitau dgn khusus feature/setting yg dimaksudkan itu (yaa benar kita tamak, dah dpt betis nak peha sekali, hahaha..).
Hmmm, sape tak kenai fesbuk? Fesbuk tu serupa feslif laa, kan? ngeh3.
cikksom...sila pi ke setting.. kelik tang comment, pi bawah sekali ado comment notification email, isi addereh emel kat situ...
pastu sila pi page maybank yg dah difeslif dl esbox patinpasta.... masukkan no akaun saya ngan yuran consultation rate usd ek....
Kat Charlotteh dah malam kan? Why tak turu lagi?? hehehe..
Timakasih once again for being so kind ngajar kita. Nanti kita terai buat as advised.
I nih buta nombor makanya adalah bahaya kalau I berinteraksi dgn nombor. Sekian .. lap u, muah!
Mungkin you dah lupa bahawasanya I pernah memandai buat bread pud bubuh pithang. Sila jejaki (auwww) entry lama disini -> http://sukacupcakes.blogspot.com/2011/02/then-and-now.html
Betul betul betul... vanilla aiskrim memang layak diberi award for being so versatile :-)
Psst.. fesbuk, esbok n feslif = serupa *sambil gelak evil versi bisu*
You have 2 loaves of bread dlm fridge? Why not make croutons? Anyway, why are you so busy?? Got many orders ke?? I yg tak buat apa2 pun find it hard to blogwalk *kertu cant sit down for long, almaklum kot nanti kaki bengkak sbb duduk memendak ngadap laptop*
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