A wedding reception from the bridegroom was held at the Oriental Pearl Restaurant, Kelab Darul Ehsan, Ampang. Hundreds of hungry and over excited guests were invited to enjoy an 8-course Chinese cuisines, and tea ceremony was held thereafter. When Miss Yam met Mr Seng, who do we call? "YaaaaaamSennnng!" hihi, but there was no booze or ooze as this was strictly a Muslim reception dinner. Sober jer muka apek2 tu semua .. kesiaan.
When 2 budayas met, although all are Malaysians, I'm sure there are do's and dont's that they have to adhere to, be more peka and perihatin, but....

Semoga hari2 berikut untuk Mas & Erwin dilimpahi rahmat dan diberkati selama2nya. Tapi kaan, gaduh jangan tak gaduh tau.. Boringlah kalau tak gaduh.. hahaha..
Nice poem.
TQ CL. Lu komen kat 'lain' rumah, hehe.
muahaha tersilap. kat sini rupanyer.
muahaha (gak). Wa tau lu bz...
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