What have I been doing today? Well.. I've been a good gal, heheh. I've listed down all the wajib chores that I need to do. Phewh! The list melimpah ruah.. overflowed to the ground, haha. That much I have to do?? and I have to do it all alone?? Am I not one of the two mandors in this household? Yeah.. I shall delegate more and had even delegated certain chores to the respective individuals.
Well for a start, I have successfully gathered some indescribable junks into 2 garbage bags (bags = recycled packs of cats food). I'm good huh?.
D had promised me to do that, that and that, but ...? Please focus D! I'm counting on you. T is not back yet from jajahan Kanda Deris. Her schedules are seemingly tight; attending a farewell dinner for a friend who's going to further studies, attending a doa selamat for the same friend and last but not least, she's doing H, her room mate a favour. H is scheduled to go back to her hometown upnorth at 6pm tomorrow. T will chauffer her and perhaps some other friends to the bus station.
After knowing her plans, I commented "melampau" on the chauffering part to which she responded "Umi, tak baik tau. Kesian kot dia. T ni kan baik. T balik lambat pun sbb teman dia. Dia kata nanti dia belanja T".
. Umi tak baik tau .... am I? har3. I hope you know me well enough.
. Kesian kot dia .... I understand how you feel. I'd do the same for a friend in need.
. T ni kan baik ..... kih3 I know you are but sometimes you can be alarmingly 'laser', scarry sometimes.
. T balik lambat pun sbb teman dia .... Well, I have no problem really but I need your extra hands and energy to help out around the house. If only I can extend raya for another week, haha.. if only.
. Dia kata nanti dia belanja T .... Bertuah punya budak?! But I'm not worried cos I know you.
Come home quick T, you got some chores here waiting impatienty for you.
I'm into this stuff not satisfied still with the outcome. I used toothpicks to bind the 'reja2' so that its filling won't terburai like the first time I did. It was a success but whylah it doesn't taste as good??

Oh yess.. hehe .. today we relished on 4 dishes for berbuka. 4 okay? not 3 (not riak but plain bangga). Vege soup, meat adobo, fried long beans and last but not least that golden maggots ingots.
What's in store for me tomorrow?? What else, it goes without saying ... I shall be adorning Cinderella's attire. Owh dear, where could my Prince Charming be??? Please rescue me before the clock strikes 12, puhleess..
ohhhh....x caya!! orang lain x bangun tidoq lagi kaaaa....booking dulu!!
Cik Som, u really need extra hands? Come, I tolong you! But with syarat....lepeh tu you tolong I. Can ar?
kalo nk jadi cinderella, make sure pakai kasut oke makk.. ahaha
kak som..
Sengajalah i bagi tempat pertama buat kawan kita yang datang dari jauh itu.. walhalnya i dah tengok awal2 tadi nampak belum ada orang lagi.. i tunggu..i tunggu sampai i pun terlelap...
sekarang ni i cuma nak minta satu jer.. jalanlah u doa-doa raya lambat lagi... sebab i dah plan nak raya hari jemahat ni dengan macam-macam plan...
kak som.. kalau you kemas rumah lepas raya pun bukannya da orang nak marah kat you.... lepas azan raya, you kerahkanlah semua bala tentera you buat kerja kerja yang tertangguh sebab depa sure memang ada kat rumah masa azan raya tu...
some more.. raya pertama.. mana ada orang nak datang lagi.. depa semua sibuk dengan kaum keluarga depa .. percayalah....
tak pun.. masa raya tu, you anduhkan tangan you.. sure orang yg datang beraya pun naik kesihan kat you... baik tak baik, maknan pagi raya dah ada orang yang buatkan...
Hmmm... setakat nak tolong tengok dan tolong garu belakang boleh laaa..
Bila? Bila? Anytime bebeyyyhh...!
salam CS..camner persiapan raya?? dah 100% ker?? hehe..selamat menyambut hari raya maaf zahir batin ye!!
Salam semua ...
Yes Fa, I do need that extra hands tapi boleh tak I tolong kemas rumah you dlm bulan Ramadhan tahun depan dan depan aje??
Guna kasut raya aje boleh tak?
Selalunya memang berkemas lepas raya tapi tahun nih I tak nak sakit jiwa; maka perlulah paksa diri berkemas b4 riraya (diharap misi posibel). Berkemas2 bukan untuk orang tapi untuk keharmonian jiwa dan raga (saranan you, bernas juga, tq).
Best juga kalau nak tolong garukan belakang (selama nih I guna garfu kalau nak garu belakang badan dan mana2 part yg xkesampaian dek tangan).
Sambil garu sambil picit, boleh tak?? Beshhh... tenkiu :-)
Persiapan raya? Almost nil. Maybe hari nih boleh diUPkan ke 20%. Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin.
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