1. Who is he? 2. What's his name? 3. Why is he here? 4. What? your menantu?
1. Budak jual hp n its peripherals. Maybe he owns the shop.
2. His name? Let's call him Jojo aje as rambut leper tu sesuai dgn nama Jojo
3. Ehh.. adalaaa..
4. No.. but why not? Jojo ni for one is very bersopan santun and very helpful
Al-kisah .. my hp si aikoN tu dah beberapa purnama buat hal. Ntah apa tak kena dengan sistem dalamannya. D n abahnya dah banyak kali offer nak re-............. (aduh! lupa lak the correct word) tapi hati ni tak pulak terbukak to let them do it for fear that all my harta karun dlm hp tu akan hilang. What Jojo did was actually what D and abahnya had suggested. Sorry I was skeptical of you both!
Masalah dalaman 1. kamera tak berfungsi 2. gambar di Gallery hilang (Cukuplah dua sebab tu aje nanti ada lak yg kata buang aje hp tu kat longkang).
Jojo ni macam tau2 aje apa nak dibuat. Dia belai2 hp tu dan keluarkan memory card dan terus tangkap gambar tanpa memory card. Yahoo, berjayalah pulak but why all this while I never thought to do just that? Hehe, that explains why Jojo is there in that shop in the first place.
Memory card kokak punca segala, rupa2nya. How dare you? I nyaris2 beli hp baru tau. Nasib baik I kata "takpelah tunggu" bila abah budak2 offer "nak tak?".
Jojo malu2 kucing aje bila I tangkap gambar dia. Isn't he sweet? I tanya "how much .. ", then cut short when I saw him geleng2 paler "ya? free of charge? thank you very much. May god bless you". Wah!!! bertambah sweet senyoman si Jojo tu ..
Beredar dari kedai tu, I berdoa dalam hati semoga Allah bukakan hati si Jojo kejalanNya. Amin.
Nowadays, susah juga nak dapat penjual/sales asst yang betul2 sopan santun, baik budi bahasa dan tunjuk muka manis. Don't I deserve at least a sweet smile? Tak cukup manis ke wajah I nih??
Jojo and Jiji (suka ati beri nama orang), they really make my day! Bila bandingkan mereka berdua dengan sales asst. sebangsa maka I just plain keciwa.
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