David was voted 2nd best in last year's American Idol. In less than a year he had become a household name and travel the world. How come our best singers from the reality tv shows never had the chance to make it big or never made an impact outside of the local entertainment scenes? Why, is it because the songs are in Malay? Even then, our songs are having difficulty to penetrate the Indonesian market... and they say music is universal. Really?
Ooops, a bit emo there. .
I watched One in a Million yesterday just the part where Shah Indrawan aka Tomok performed. He sang Sheila's number 'aku cinta padamu'. I couldn't listen to the judges' comments on his singing as someone who was watching the other channel made a subtle remark "dah start.. iklan dah abis". The remote then was passed to him reluctantly.
T and I are in favor of Tomok, Justin Timberlake of Malaysia, hehe.. poyo ke? The present Tomok looks quite different from Tomok then. He looks more fashionable, vibrant and suddenly cuter (despite rambut bertepek ala daging salai). Whatever it takes, we want him to own that 1 million.
Apparently Tomok used to stay with us close to 3 years. Then suddenly he bid goodbye.. sob!
Another reality show ie AF. It's either you like it, hate it or all-time atas pagar. The latter is of course bad for business. Atas pagar people don't normally vote, they just kutuk, cerca and perli semata2. As for me, I'm done with voting. Dah tobat :-)
I follow both AF and OIAM because of Isma and Tomok respectively. Both are siblings. I guess they have good genes .. talented, cantik and ensem.
Apparently Tomok used to stay with us close to 3 years. Then suddenly he bid goodbye.. sobsob but heheh, Tomok in this case is of course our beloved cat. Masa kitten, Tomok suka gomol2 T's hair and acting as if dlm rambut tu ada puting to suck. Kesian .. anak yatim..
Tomok has been staying in a cage all along but when I was ready to let him free (to seek life partner), I said this to him " .. jangan pegi jauh2 tau ... petang nanti balik" .. which he did. Tomok was the only cat without a grave at our front lawn as he died elsewhere. The front lawn is full of 'dead cats' with names given by us - Dot, Ren, Mbang, Mau, Mole and countless of others. Those without names ie stray cats, hubby buried just outside our lawn.
cesss..cs ni bikin suspen je sama Tomok..ekceli sy lg suka OIAM la skg if nk compare ngan AF..
mrs chiow terkena perangkap Tomok ka? har3. I tengok OIAM & AF aje. Takdelah berkobar2 cam dulu. Wink ;-)
ciksom ni kan... ish ish ish.... wa ingat dak tomok oiam tuh... ghupenye kucing.... hahahaha.... daku terpedayaaaaa......
tomok in oiam bestkan? wa tgk sekali masa dia nyanyi lagu MUH kot, best dia bawak... tp wa tak follow oiam or af... wa follow AI skrg nih...
Ngeh3 CikLina, wa sukerr, wa sukerr ..
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