Saturday, 25 April 2009

Demotivated ...

There are more than 10 articles terbengkalai dalam suasana 'draft' reside at Al-kisah, half-way done and done half-heartedly. Why, Somuffins? Have you lost interest to write? Ehhh, don't laah cos I want you to write still (doesn't matter; ramble ke, off topic ke). Do write as you know how, ok?

BTW, have you forgotten of your so-called ambition to have your own column? I know and you know that you would never be a columnist of sort, but let's have fun while it lasted, HERE ... Come on, where's your semangat?? Anak HL never gives up especially when she has put her mind and soul into doing something good; you know that, don't you??

Hmm..hmm.. gulp!

Alaaa... just when I'm about to have the world's most unpopular motivator around to motivate me, she has to go pulak (to be the mithali wife that she is, konon)..

Aaarghh .. I'm already demotivated .. BUT WHAT'S COOKING DEAR MOTIVATOR?? :-)


Anonymous said...

hey somuffins.. keep on writing as rumble as you think it is , your entry always give me sunshine in my mundane life. i wish i could write as good as you..

CS said...

Azieda, thanks for the support. My problem is .. sometimes I susah nak habiskan satu2 sentence tu either terlupa the right words or idea takde mari .. haha, 'age' is the factor kot?

Anonymous said...

i dont see any problem in you expressing yourself.. as for me i main hentam jer, i started my blog for ive no idea what? i wriite as i feel, but then ada pulak sekor dua ketawakan cari i menulis.. so i frozed jap,.pastuh lepas cakp dgn aza my anak nobor dua.. she encouraged me to merapu what not in my blog..keep on writing .. take care

G'Zain said...

Cik Som,

Wa tahu lu boleh. Ur writing was so sincere lu tulis apa yang lu rasa in your own way. Wa suka cara merapu berhemah lu ada class so don't give up. Wa pun dah lama tak update blog bukan takda idea baru baik sakitkan so banyak mende kena settle dulu. Gud Luck...

CS said...

Azieda, samalah kita. I pun hentam juga; afterall it's ours. Suka hati kita apa nak tulis dgn cara kita. I hope it's just gangguan sementara on my side..

Gee, merapu berhemah? Har3, I like that. BTW, I never thot you cuti lama akibat your close encounter with the 'gas'. Hope you're good as new and as anggun as ever.

G'Zain said...

Cik Som,

Wa tetap anggun syukran my face recovered very fast without any mark only hand still ada mark still on medication tapi tetap kerja takut lama sangat cuti banyak lak hutang kerja yang kena bayo.. Blog wa tetap terabai buat masa nih...

Ha Eppi Anniversary tooo moga bahagia sukmo. Bagilah wa tips untuk kekal lama macam lu wa lum 10years pun...

CS said...

Thanks for the wish Gee. Tips? Hmmm... Don't expect too much, kot?