Saturday, 18 April 2009

Tiff here, there & everywhere ..

Suka nak tampal gambar ni

Received a phone call from FA while I was getting ready to JJCM. Bunyinya macam in distress aje. True enough she wants to talk to me. Kebetulan dia ada kat sekitar my area so I cadangkan kita jumpa aje. She was delighted and so we met over some drinks, nuggets and french fries.

Bukan selalu I free cam hari tu. Hari tu 'free' sebab mood ada senonoh sket. Had lunch dgn wink2. I bahagia bila dia cuti dan ajak I makan luar. Pastu dia temankan I beli groceries. Wink2 made my day!

Back to my long time friend, FA.

FA: pernah tak you kecik ati dengan adik beradik?
I: pernah
FA: apa you buat?
I: I bitau diorang over the phone, I hantar sms pada semua dan bersemuka

FA pun stori me her dilemma. It was a small misunderstanding between FA and her most kamcing sister over something so minute. FA being so practical, so proactive and ever so willing to help had suggested something to the sister which I find it very sound and sensible; but it was not accepted as such.

Biasalah.. perempuan selalunya akan 'lebihkan' anak dari siapa2 pun walaupun pada dasarnya nampak tak rasional ...

FA tanya apa dia perlu buat, so I yang tak kurang dengan masalah ni pun mencadangkan dia buat itu dan ini (yang baik2 belaka). FA kata dah buat semua tu tapi keadaan masih sejuk. I kata buatlah sekurang2nya 3x.

Baru kejap ni I dapat feedback dari FA. Her sister tak layan satu apa pun. Tak layan calls and sms - still cold. So what's next? Maka CS Siantan ni pun titipkan beberapa usul untuk FA praktikkan and I ended up receiving a text that brought tears to my eyes "I am impress with yr advice". OMG, May Allah bless us and our loved ones..

What was it yang I kecik ati with my siblings? Well .. ceritanya boleh tahan long and winding tapi tak perlah nak juga cerita sikit kat sini.. I kecik ati dgn my siblings bukan kerana diorang dengki, irihati atau buat benda tak baik. I kecik ati for they were not with me when I needed their help. I need one of them to be a mediator between me and another brother. I tak gaduh dgn this particular brother but I need to tell him 'what really happened' between the so-called step niece, her mother (bro's wife) and yours truly. Tulis ni aje dah buat I tegang urat tengkuk! Menci menci menci...

Prior to seeking help from my siblings, I had sent messages to that particular brother informing him why I needed to see him badly, but there was no response whatsoever. Finally after 7 months of waiting patiently n impatiently to pour my heart out, I somehow managed to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. He promised me that he would 'tarbiah' those women. Yeah, you better be bro and I love you for that.. but have you done it?

Todate, I don't see anything changed for the better. The step niece has been quiet since February last year. I try not to judge people or undermine them but my mulut n hati just feel itchy for I so want to say this to them "apa maknanya pergi Mekah buat haji dan umrah tapi you sesuka hati putuskan silaturrahim ...?".

Last raya, one of my eldest sisters said this to me "I'm very sorry for not being there with you when you needed help.. blabla..tralala". She realised at last of the fact that should someone seek help to mend the broken silaturrahim, by all means, you've got to do it (kerana Allah).

In retrospect, T cried like hell as if I was about to enter batu belah batu bertangkup when she read the sms received from the so-called step niece. In between sobs, T blurted "how could she do that to Umi? Kalau adik beradik Umi tak nak bela Umi, biar T yang buat". I tersyahdu sejenak, dara I sanggup bela I dalam situasi diri dia a minor? Aduhh... dugaan, dugaan.

My story kinda blurry with no head or tail but what good does it do if I were to tell all? Well maybe it's good for D & T to consider all that have happened as 'food for thought' - learn from other people's mistakes.

Maybe I should create another blog just for the two of them huh? Those two .. hmmm.. wiss..wiss.. hum..hum..


CL said...

Cik Som.. wa doakan cik som hepi2 ever after...

MrsNordin said...


Just visiting... lawatan balas!

G'Zain said...

Cik Som,
Your bro yang I kenal tu ker? Anyway wa doakan lu sentiasa dirahmati. Orang sebaik lu will always tabah. Trsut Me.

CS said...
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CS said...

Cik Lina, thank you for your doa. To live happily ever after banyak dugaannya ek?

MrsNordin, tq for the lawatan :-)

Gee, bukan bro yg u kenal tu. He's a gem. In fact I would consider all bros as gems cuma 1 tu aje ala2 JEM stoberi.. haha. Also, thanks for your doa n nice words. U really have faith in me huh? Luv u bebeh

CL said...

alaaaa... cik som luv wa ke?? uhuk.... (ngaderrr)

CS said...

Cik Lina, of coz.. mestilah sayang.. dgn Kichik2 sekali.. :-)

Anonymous said...

been there done that. and a sibling is still cold to me.. you know what i realise.. jauh tuh wangi and dekat bau septic tank.. know what i mean.
as for the cold one sibling of mine. i still doa and give out give vibrations to the alam so we can be close like we were before.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Kecik hati sibling ni memang takleh nak elak. For me since all other siblings are male, memang takleh nak harap to help me w anything. Semua prefer to buat tak tau. But i pernah kecik hati gila dgn my sil. kureng sungguh minah tu.

CS said...

Azieda & SnT, I guess it's lumrah alam ujudnya berbagai jenis dugaan. Nak test our endurance power. Alangkah bagusnya kalau kita boleh pilih2 jenis dugaan tu, kan? I baru dengar kat TV tentang fadilat memaafkan orang. Moga2 kita dalam golongan 'yang lembut hati'. Amin

Anonymous said...
