With the leftover wanton fillings, I made jemput2 (all time fav.) and added cili padi & seaweed. The taste is quite ganjil but all the same still enak, heheh. No pic as I know mesti ada yang dah termuntah2 menatap wajah my jemput2 (tak baik taw).
Speaking of jemput2, I have this to say... If we were to introduce jemput2 to the world, we must maintain its name as is. Maybe just explain a bit (as a matter of fact only) that they are actually fritters (made of banana, prawns or what have you), and make it known that jemput2 and cekodok are of the same kind (in case anybody gets confused). Whatever happens, it's jemput2, ok? Don't let them pinda akta jemput2. Never!
(Truth is I am disappointed knowing that Otak2 has another name to its credit.. OTAH.. can you beat that? Since when it's called Otah? Can we change Pizza to Pizzo according to our whim and fancy?)
Felt bangga for I managed to skip having rice. I deserved a pat on a shoulder, syabas! (pat laa .. please).
psstt ciksom..nk resipi rahsia wantan bole?jgn segan silu tayang resipi kt sini..
yang mengharap,
peminat wantan
Fify, awak nih .. Dah ada Wan Z, minat kat WanTan juga ke? heheh.. Recipe below dari tenet. You ubah suai mana patut. Belasah jer..
200g udang - mesti buang kulit :-)
150g isi ayam
100g carrot (dice kecik2)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt
sesame oil 1-2 drops
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg beaten
2tbsp corn starch
Blend semua bahan except carrot. Kalau tak guna blender, potong udang/ayam halus2 dulu, baru campurkan semua bahan.
WanTan boleh mkn.WanZ xkenyang klu dimakan..makin lapar adela..harhar..mekasih yer.bila mood rajin datang baru sy cuba buat :)
the ayam penyet is javanese. excellent presentation. ive to cook outside the box la. hmm i wonder my half minang kids like the javanese food?
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