Dear Mr Macho, aren't you the one who have good looks just like Robert Redford or Kevin Costner when they were younger? No? Not at all? Aisayman, silap orang ke? Looks like we really have not met eh??
I wonder who could Mr Macho be?
1. is he cute? (macam taaak aje)
2. have curly hair? (eeuww.. sungguh tak macho)
3. sweet voice? (hmmm..who could vouch for that?)
4. fair skinned? (takdelah cam omputih)
5. sharp nose? (ada mcm idong Mawi?)
6. smiling face? (no? tak sker bersedekahlah tu)
7. macho? (sendiri proclaimed tak chi)
So Mr Macho, it's your call now whether to remain as halimunan or make yourself known (at least to me).
I suddenly crave for COUSCOUS.. Have you tasted couscous Mr Macho??

ciksom pasti.. mr.macho adalah 'org tuu?'
cibil, tak surelah pulak.. mana tau mr macho adalah anak ular yg bertopengkan anakonda? kihkihkih...
heh heh, gue masak kuskus gak hari ni. 1st time try. langsung tak mcm kak som punya. terlebih air.
Macho? Tak macho la jadi invisible man.
Dicken, I baek tau tak suka tipu, heheh. Gamba tu I petik dari google. I belum masak lagi baru crave aje. Wah! you really cook kuskus? To cook it, you ikut cara masak nasi ie 1 cup of kuskus = 1.5 cups H2O. If you use 'vision', let the water boil. Slowkan fire then add kuskus, kacau rata lebih kurang then tutup its lid. Let it be on the small fire for abt <> 1 minute.
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