Just received this Ikea mag delivered to every household. Was it fun just flipping through the pages? (Fun? mana ada as I was in fact cringing with jealousy).

What's with this pot? Hahaha.. conetnya ter'potel' soon after it touches ground (terjatuh with its handle facing down). Have bought a new conet yet to screw it onto the lid. My undivided gratitude to Walls for the ice-cream stick! Dah naik itam batang eskrem tu. The lid is used to cover my kuali while frying anything which has potential to mercik or meletop. Oh yes, I dedicate this post esp. to
LeeLin, with luv! 
While surfing recipe for walnut cookies I noticed an empty wrapper next to my laptop. Have seen empty wrapper quite often either on the table or underneath. Siapa punya kerja ni? Siapa yg malas tak buang terus ni? D & T are famous for that but this time around, hahaha, chuckle..chuckle.. whose lazy work is that? :-)
Note: Have not been eating Zip for ages until I saw this new Vanilla flavor. Zip wafer reminds me of my courting era. Zaman cute2 dulu ... auwww..

At 4am while coming downstairs to prepare meal for sahur I noticed D was playing with this StarWars spaceship, got it free from McD. He played it siap dengan sound 'zoomzoom, pweeshpweesh' sekali. Nak jadi kecik semula ke? Apa2lah D, asal bahagia.
alamak, craving for choc zip la.. kat sini puas cari tapi tkde la pulok ciksom oiii...
Cibil, agaknya kat UK Zip dah phase out tak?
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