At Ngah's we had laksa Johor for lunch as well as other kuih-muih. By 2.30pm the 20 of us were ready to go; muat in 4 cars we convoyed heading to the heart of KL. We arrived 10 mts early. Good eh?
The majlis merisik started soon after we arrived. Abg M as the father of my nephew was represented by Imam Nor while the girl was represented by her own father. Imam Nor cited the doa to kick off the majlis as well as after the whole thing ended. Couldn't help it but we ladies felt very sebak (for several reasons) during part of the session (except during makan time, hehe).
Makan time at the girl's side was awesome with array of delicious food to whet our appetite. Talk of the evening was about kueh lopes, hehe. It was not made using the pulut yet it tasted so yummy. Lopes is best eaten with concentrated gula melaka sauce (never2 with cair bair sauce). Looks like all of us were crazy over the lopes, hehe melampau taw! The tuan rumah macam tau2 aje, they tapau'ed some for us to bring home. Alhamdulillah.
The hantaran do was a simple affair. Ndja was given the task to decorate the hantaran. Our side presenting 5 dulangs while the girl gave 7 in return.. but ntah camana, they gave extra dulang which include the delicious traditional kueh such as dodol, wajik, halwa maskat and a 3-layered butter cake.
Ngah with her bakal menantu
Fondant cake for the girl
By 6pm we were back at Ngah's place. The atmosphere was a ceria one; we talk, we eat, we gurau and we mingle. Another dose of hari raya mood.
The evening ended with a blast (kononnyalah) after we paksa the birthday boy (who thinks he is still 36) to cut the 3-layered butter cake. Pinjam kek bertunang sat dengan izin, hehe. He wanted a fondant cake, remember? but all the same, that borrowed cake is as good or even better than the fondant one.
Reached home at 9pm. We then went straight to our jiran's open house. Another makan2 session though I was already feeling bloated, tired and sleepeezzzzz.
After makan we continued with our yearly muzakarah .. What about?? *whisper* another makan session.
Selamt bertunang utk nephew kak CS n happy bday utk bday boy.
I luv kuih lopes too!!!!
wah....makan, makan, makan....
no wonder lar.....
Cik som,
Makan lagi...bila nak stop nih? Sebenarnya I jeles tau...I pun nak makan gak!
Macam tau-tau je...petang tadi we all pun kacau halwa maskat tau..mmmm syedap!
Alamak Kak AnneAziz pandai pulak sebut halwa maskat....chek kempunan mak oi!
That fondant cake tu Masyaallah cantiknya. You buat ke, Cik Som?
(katalah you buat OK?!!)
Ain, tq tq. You pandai buat lopes tak? I ada buat sekali dua tapi lopes pintas bukan yg tradisional..
QJ, no wonderlah apa tu? No wonderlah I gemok? Haaa, betul betul betul ..
Anne, bukanlah resmi I makan tak ingat donia. I ni suka everiting in moderation; tapi dah orang jamu, tekak ni gatalz jer taw.
You buat halwa maskat? Nyum2, jgn lupa tampal gamba. Saper yg 'basuh tepung' dan mengacau halwa tu? Ja, adik kesayangan you yg kacau ke? Eh, eh, kesiannya dia.
Naz, kek fondant tu? Mestilah I yg buatnya, auwww(sambil mengacukan ibu jari kedadaku). Home made lagi.
P/S: re: kek fondant, I berdusta dgn izin..
No wonder pets ma...har3
Cik Som,
Ja? Kacau halwa maskat? Kacau adalah! Haprak pun tak tolong...tunggu nak tolong makan jer..
I yang basuh kuali tembaga, I yang basuh tepung, I yang mengacau ...(pecaya tak u all?) Anyway mcm mana u dapatkan warna kuning halwa maskat...teka teka...sapa betui i bagi cokelat seketui!
Sabaq Naz,
Balik sini makan puaih2 no?
QJ, you peminat wonder pets meh? I pernah tengok sekali with my buj..
Anne, rasa cam tak berbaloi dpt seketui cokelat vs ilmu yg akan I kongsikan nih, heheh.
Kita guna saffron aka kekoma/koma2 to make the halwa maskat kuning. Betul ke cik Ja tak nolong you langsong? Cian you maka terpaksalah I percaya you buat segala2nya...
Pandai lah u nih...saffron, tapi kat sini ada satu lagi benda yang u boleh guna, buah ghanda (I tak tau lah kat sana panggil apa) rendam buah ni semalaman, kuar warna kuning dia. Ingatkan u nak kata pencelup dalam botol!
Ok lah coklat seketui coming up!
Anne, I pandai? clap clap clap ... kembang semangkok dah nih..
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