Monday, 26 October 2009

Dream on to be a rich blogger? ...

T was telling me that two of her very famous blogger friends' blogs worth certain amount in USD. Wah.. that sounds delicious indeed. If only the money is real, not only those girls are happy, it makes me happy too :-)

I asked T how do I view the web (obviously to kepoh what I'm worth; or rather my blog's worth), and over a distance from my kitchen to the living room - which is very sekangkang kera - I heard what she was saying but I failed to register, hehe (almaklum tengah beriya2 masaklah katakan). It really doesn't matter cos I know I can always ask her for the info again and again (and again which undoubtly annoys her and in return she will deliver her perli2 manja "tulah Umi" to me). Note: Everytime when I failed to register what D&T were saying, it was actually an act to test their patience.

The info was laid before my eyes 'just like that' when I tried to lawat my own blog.. So the web says .. Estimated Worth $1788.5 USD.

Tu diarr.. termalu2 pulak I dibuatnya but who in the right mind did that? Senang cerita my dear web (whoever you are), if you think I deserve the $, just givelah. I hate anything with hidden agendas (and I hate berangan2 tak tentu pasal). Please take heed, okay? TQ.

Having said that .. I quietly summon the hp .. click at the calculator function .. 1789 (siap dibundarkan lagi, 789 nice number yes?) .. and so I think my dream will be materialised .. soon, heheh. Bolehlah I renovate my toilet and the peparitan where those cats of mine reside.

Sekian .. dreams are made of those .. (?).
P/S: Just for fun, why not you try it and see how you fare?


ain said...

salam kak CS...tau gak psl buat duit ngan blog ni! tp buat mcm tak kesah je le. bila tengok org earn sekian2...seronokkkk pulak!!

Ibu n Abah said...

itu pasallah semalam dah tak boleh tidur yer... mengenangkan USD 1789. (Cantiklah number tuuu 789).
Dah rancang macam2 pun rupanya.

CS said...

Wkumsalam Ain. Memang ada yg dah buat duit, best ek? tapi yg 'I punya ni', saja2 aje kot?

Akaaak.. Yg tak tdo tu bukan sebab berangan, haha tapi 'time makan ubat'. Rancang macam2 tu? Yaa.. rancang jgn tak rancang. Proaktif gitu.. :-)

Tie said...

Ha ha... Dulu pernah gak cuba2 nak tahu nilai blog Tie tu, tapi satu sen pun tak ternilai, waakakaa...

Sebabnya Tie tulis dalam Bm, hehe.. tak mahir dalam English. Kalau Tie tulis mesti ramai yang tak faham, ekekeke.....

Queenie said...

salam cs..
nanti kalu u dah bejaya, ajar2lah kat i plak eh? jgn la makan sensorang...

Naz in Norway said...

yeh yeh....Cik Som kaya....yeh yeh!!!!

CS said...

Tie, rasanya apa2 bahasa pun boleh diberi nilai kot? Ia tertaklok pada URL (jgn tanya I apa, I pun tak arif, hehe). I tulis in BI cikit2 aje pun bukan mcm 'Naz/Anne'.

QJ, tak tau apa yg I nak ajarkan kat you. Takde apa2 sebenarnya pun yg I buat.

Naz, let's twist n shout, kawan you kaya, yeah!yeah! BTW, tajuk drama 'CikSom Kaya', best jugak kan?

anneaziz said...


You perli i eh? Nanti i kasi kensel itu coklat baru tau!

I punya BI hentam kerome je tau! berkarat krik kriok. Naz tu lain alam dengan I.

Anyway, penat lah I menaip satu bruce tidor atas riba, minta di belai-belai lah pulak...semenjak dua menjak ni, dia meleset semacam rasa dia dah baligh ke? i rasa la...

Anonymous said...

ek, tell me more camner to make that much? boleh la beli tiket balik msia tiap tiap tahun.

CS said...

Anne, mana adaa perli.. niat n hati I sesuci embun dipagi Jumaat bila I kata cam tu. Yalah kan, yg elok dijadikan teladan, kankankan?
Hal siBruce tu, tak syak lagi memang dia dah mula membalighkan dirinya tu.. (check on the moon, the bulan oredi mengambang kan??). Haighh... Granny Anne .. gudluck jaga 5-6 cucu at one time.., hehe (yg ni barulah I perli you..) :-)

Azieda, sumpah wo-pu-cher-thau.. Diorang kat US tu yg buat based on certain Server/URL (gaknya..hehe). Apapun dont worry, it doesnt generate income.. (dlm hati: mengharap gak that it would.. har3).

anneaziz said...


Kalau you nak jadikan I teladan, baik lah kerap-kerap check wiki ke merriam webster ke...dan jangan lupa WORDS ada tools boleh check construction of sentences!

Anyway, si Bruce tu kan jantan... biarlah mak si betina yang jaga cucu... I nak kasi chance dia sow dia punya wild oats kakakkaak!

CS said...

Anne, I berkeras nak jugak jadikan you teladan.. heheh.
Yes, I do check cik Yam's or other dictionary yg semacam dgnnya. I am still learning (nak ngaku mudalah nih) and I do enjoy cek-mengecek cam tu untuk kepastian :-)

P/S: I harap Bruce akan pilih calun yg duk sama bumbung dgn dia n Mem dia.. hehe...

anneaziz said...




kak ja said...

Pssstt!! CS, kereta kedua ayahanda I, a 1200 Datsun, number platenya KC 1789.. (jgn tanya Mek Anne, dia musti x ingat punyalah..)

Jom kita pi tikam ekor Magnum ENE (melawak sj, na? tak serius pun.. nnt u pi buat, tak pasai2 I dpt dosa kering basah lembap.. as if lah u ni lurus bangat, kan?)

Bruce tu tgh gila dgn kucing setinggan je, CS!! xde class!!

kak ja said...

Sempat gak dlm I dok tulis komeng tadi my big sista tu menyelit ngomeng sama..

anneaziz said...


Sori ye...tuompang lalu...cik ja ni nak kena tau?

Cuba baca elok-elok entri i Aug 27th...dia yang kena telan gingko biloba!

NI NAK MARAH NI!!!! (Sambil menyinsing tangan baju dan mengetap-ngetap gigi ala TG Jenab!)

kak ja said...

CS, I pun nak tumpang lalu sat, na CS?

Kanda Anne, Dinda baru baca balik.. Surprise surprise surprise.. ingat jugak no? Betoila, kan.. bopren pertama lagikan dikenang, inikan plak kereta Datsun pak kita tu.. Tak relevan ka? Chek tak kira, chek nak kata jugak..

Woit!! Rindu sgt kat TG jenab, mai la amek dia!! Gua cabar lu!! (juga sambil menyinsing lengan baju dan mengetap2 gigi ala TG Jenab)

CS said...

Ehh, ehh, ehhh .. jgn gaduh2 ok? Umi babab kang :-)
Ja n Anne, salam cepat! (tonasi suara terpaksa dikeraskan).

Ja, 'KC' tu tak syak, memanglah nama I. nama sebenar dan nama manja. No. 1789 tu mesti got ong, JOM??!!!

Lee said...

Hello Somuffins, waaa, I can just imagine won't be long you make the phone call, "Hello BMW? You have a BMW 335"?
"Yes, we have 4 in stock".
"Okay, I'm interested in a lipstick red one, a coupe...ada ke"?
Ada"...., for you, a nice lady, I give very special price, not heart attack price..."
"Okay, you wait ahhh, I count my money first ahhh...".

Ha ha, you have a great week, and best of luck, may the Force be with you, Lee. Senang datang.

CS said...

Hi Lee, thanks for the nice script. You wouldn't charge me for that, would you?
Tapikan Lee, BMW isnt my choice of a car merely because it cant fit under my teeny weeny porch, haha. I'd prefer .. hmm..hmm..
Anyway, have you answered my query? Do you happen to know any Joan Lee there??