Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Chicken rice ...

I entered my domain @ dapur at 11am. Wah! way too early indeed. Tu pun sebab nak blend onions, garlic and ginger. Everytime bila stock of those dah habis, maka index kerajinan turut merundum. Kadang2 stock tu penuh sarat dlm bekas, index tu merundum juga. How?

Janganlah kata I ni malas bila I selalu bitau I beli lauk pauk or go out for lunch/dinner. Maybe bukan malaslah kan cuma tak berapa rajin aje. Boleh kan ingat cam tu? Kena berprasangka baik selalu kat I. Anyway, those food sellers need people like me (and you) to continue living.

Can you imagine selling something but the response is only suam2 kuku? Sedih tau. I always put myself in their shoes (eventhough we use different sizes, heheh).

Memanglah berkat membawa rahmat bila emak masakkan untuk anak2 & famili. Bukan aje berkat malah bertimbun2 pahala yang emak tu dapat. Kebersihan terjamin, bajet terkawal dan pembaziran dapat dielakkan (maka syaitan menangis2 sebab kita tak sekongkol dengan dia).

Hubby goes to work at 2pm and he has to have his lunch by 1pm. I bersemangat nak masak nasi ayam tapi chicken stock dah habis. Terpaksalah keluar kejap. Can't do without the chicken stock as it is a determining factor to have a delicious chicken rice (ni firasat I sorang).

By 1pm everything beres. The aroma of fried chicken fills up every ruang of the house. Waah, semerbak gitu. Sempat juga buat sup ayam (soup for hubby and ayam for me), sos cili dan sos kicap. I would say, today's chicken rice cukup sifat2nya walaupun tanpa timun dan tomato (Tim and Tom duk dendiam dalam esbok).

Chicken rice for lunch and dinner. Alhamdulillah ... sedapnya tak terkata (menurut chef tersebut).

Ralat: No pic as hp camera sangat jahat!


Anonymous said...

i can imagine your chicken rice... hmmm
kelakar tim and tom..i use a lot of tom in my cooking .asam keping is like jewel youuu so i substitue dgn si tom.

Anonymous said...

nape x tayang rupa wajah chicken rice yg sedap tuuu..bole la tumpang kecur air liur :)

Lezah Zaini said...

hmmmm lama tak masak chicken rice. Tapi kalau makan kat rumah CS lagi sedap kan....

CS said...

Azieda, asam keping susah nak dapat ke?

Fifyz, dah lama tak masak CR so kita terkesima sejenak.. Tak hingat nak klik, klik ..

CL, betul betul betul.. Jangan lupa bawak 2 peket CR untuk kita menjamu selera.. :-)