Melencong sat. *DPF brings back good memories. This is the place I first met some of my cyber friends. Haa, ni yang malas nak citer lelebih nih. It is quite complicated to explain but for sure nothing scandalouslah. Sumpah! Nothing of that sort.
For record purpose, may I ask how long can we upkeep our wuduq? Do we have stastics on that? Hehe.. I bet we don't have one - surely not many of us can tahan more than 10 mts, tul tak? Tu pun kadang2, the reading speed of our tahyat akhir terpaksa dipercepatkan atas desakan si angin pus2 yang tak tertahan2 nak keluar ... phooot!!!
So for us, 45 mts of travelling time with bumps and more bumps along the way, can you trust us not to expel angin pus2 aka intestinal gas (IG) through ehem2 even a teeny-weeny one? Somehow we managed to master the art of keeping the IG intact, alhamdulillah. That's the reason why we kinda tergesa2.. (tapi bukan tak boleh berwuduq lagi kan? hehe..).
Bowls and bowls of empty kerepek ubi. Reason being? Masing2 dah lapar so kerepek pun kerepeklah. Munching kerepek is one way to beat the waiting time and it seems everybody looks happy semacam. Susah juga buat jamuan if your guests are of mixed status. Status yang ada 'gelaran2' tu. Waiting and more waiting ... kerepek and more kerepek (perut pun naik sebu).
While I terhegeh2 mengadjust my hp camera, the pengantins pun berjalan laju. Sampai ati. But where's the groom? Hehe, tu haa.. hidden next to the bride. Pandai I buat 'Fuyoh Magik', kan? They were about to cut the wedding cake. I always teringin nak jamah wedding cake yang bertiered2 tu but never had the chance .. tiss..tiss.. (airliuq meleleh..)
Sitting 2nd from left is mother of the bride. And tersentil 2nd from right tu... auwww... Nama glamour dia 'D' (but not my son D, ok? kih3). 'She' joined us for dinner hence the night suddenly became a memorable one! Tak kering gusi. Ada aje soalan2 panas ditujukan pada 'D'. Before we parted ways with 'her', tanpa disangka2 'she' willingly laga2 pipi with us.. Oh me oh my .. (Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa2 kami..)

Tim's Catering (sajian asli warisan Johor). If you're a true blue Johorean, you wouldn't want to miss relishing food hasil air tangan Mak Tim (though I doubt Mak Tim ever cooks nowadays). I had Beriani for dinner yesterday and had Beriani Gam Kambing for lunch today, and with array of desserts and fruits.. Aisayman .. how to stay lanky like this?
8pm: While we were about ready to send T back to her kolej, she asks "Umi tak masak eh?". The answer is no but I offered her to fry Megi mee. Wah! dia geleng kepala komain laju lagi which means no, "tapi kalau Umi nak masak, masakkan nasi goreng yang ada cili boh tu, boleh?".
In less than 30 mts, SIAP! All done in a jiffy, alhamdulillah. Fried rice with slices of cucumber and juraian omelette -- aah, sedapnya. I would have a nightmare if I didn't cook that for her. (whisper: apart from the usual hugs & kisses, T gave me an extra tight hug - reason being? Well, I can only make a wild guess but a mother's guess is always never wrong).
Back from sending T, the lovebirds (pheewit) had dinner at Ledang. Hubby had nasi beriani daging and I had kuey tiau Cantonese style. Bought for D 'village fried rice'.
Alhamdulillah for the rezeki and double alhamdulillah for the nikmat.
i have missed all the weddings at felda.. smashing entry..
Mana tau esok lusa ada rezeki, insyaallah. Bakal menantu tak buat majlis kat Msia ke?
femes ek wondermilk ni? my fren pon buat cupcakes gak... yummy & kiut... sayang nak makan... cik som ni buat wa nak carik cupcakes plak... terliuq ni....
CikLina, carik jangan tak carik. Kang puas plak CikNan mengemop satu rumah dgn airliuq yang meleleh tu.. hehe.
hahahhaa... kalu ye, biar kasik dia keje sikit... (ampun yang....haha)
Lupa nak cakap, Dewan Perdana Felda means something to us. Terkenang jaman silam..
masa cik som dok mention kat atas tu kan, wa shenyom shenyom tersyimpol tawww.....
Hakhakhak... (shenyom syimpol gak nih tapi nape cam munyik terbahak2? Ishh, tak anggun kan?)
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